ISectionList::Initialize method (mpeg2data.h)

[The feature associated with this page, Microsoft TV Technologies, is a legacy feature. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code does not use this feature.]

The Initialize method initializes the object. This method should be called once, immediately after creating the object. The IMpeg2Data::GetSection and IMpeg2Data::GetTable methods call this method internally, so typically an application will not call it.


HRESULT Initialize(
  [in] MPEG_REQUEST_TYPE requestType,
  [in] IMpeg2Data        *pMpeg2Data,
  [in] PMPEG_CONTEXT     pContext,
  [in] PID               pid,
  [in] TID               tid,
  [in] PMPEG2_FILTER     pFilter,
  [in] DWORD             timeout,
  [in] HANDLE            hDoneEvent


[in] requestType

Specifies the request type, as an MPEG_REQUEST_TYPE value.

[in] pMpeg2Data

Pointer to the IMpeg2Data interface of the MPEG-2 Sections and Tables filter.

[in] pContext

Pointer to an MPEG_CONTEXT structure. This structure indicates the MPEG-2 source.

[in] pid

Specifies a packet identifier (PID), indicating which packets in the transport stream are requested.

[in] tid

Specifies a table identifier (TID), indicating which table sections to retrieve.

[in] pFilter

Optional pointer to an MPEG2_FILTER structure. The caller can use this parameter to exclude packets based on additional MPEG-2 header fields. This parameter can be NULL.

[in] timeout

Specifies the maximum length of time that a synchronous request should wait before it times out.

[in] hDoneEvent

Specifies a handle to an event. The object signals the event when the request completes. This parameter is optional; it should be specified for asynchronous requests.

Return value

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include those in the following table.

Return code Description
Invalid argument.
Insufficient memory.
The object has already been initialized.
The method succeeded.


This method is either synchronous or asynchronous, depending on the request type defined in the requestType parameter. When the method is asynchronous, it returns immediately and signals the event specified in hDoneEvent. When the method is synchronous, it blocks until the request completes or until the time out specified in the timeout parameter expires.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header mpeg2data.h

See also

ISectionList Interface