Event Notification Subcategory Information

Authorization, logging, and playlist transform plug-ins are specialized types of event notification plug-ins, and their CLSIDs appear under the Windows Media\Server\ RegisteredPlugins\Event Notification and Authorization node of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\  subkey as discussed in Category Information. However, you can use the Subcategory property of a plug-in to place authorization, logging, and playlist transform plug-ins under their respective nodes in the Windows Media Services user interface. The following example illustrates how to use a registry script in ATL to specify the Subcategory property.

NoRemove CLSID
   ForceRemove {495684A2-43F3-4182-83FE-3F48B63100A7} = 
                    s 'AuthorizationPlugin Class'
         val AppID = s '{495684A2-43F3-4182-83FE-3F48B63100A7}'
         ProgID = s 'Authorization.SynchPlugin.1'
         VersionIndependentProgID = s 'Authorization.AuthorizationPlugin'
         InprocServer32 = s '%MODULE%'
            val ThreadingModel = s 'Apartment'
         'TypeLib' = s '{330DE33B-237A-4B76-9D5B-A3CB354FCB08}'
         ForceRemove Properties
            val Subcategory = 'Authorize'

The following table identifies the appropriate string to use with the Subcategory property to identify the plug-in type.

Plug-in type

Subcategory string





Playlist Transform

'Playlist Transform'

See Also


Registering Plug-ins