Connection Manager Connectivity Functions (Compact 2013)


You can use Connection Manager Connectivity functions to help establish network connections for an application. The following table lists the Connectivity functions.

  • CmCreateSession
    Creates a connection session for the purpose of selecting and acquiring a connection.
  • CmGetFirstIpAddr
    Gets the first address associated with the specified destination host.
  • CmGetNextCandidateConnection
    Gets the next candidate connection that can be used by an application to attempt to connect to the specified host.
  • CmGetNextIpAddr
    Gets the next address associated with the specified destination host.
  • CmSetDataActivityState
    Informs Connection Manager if the application intends to use hSession to send data soon.

See Also


Connection Manager Connectivity Reference
Connection Manager Common Enumerations
Connection Manager Connection Configuration Reference
Connection Manager Policy Configuration Reference
Connection Manager Status and Notification Reference