This OID_WW_ARD_DATAGRAM OID is obsolete and should not be used; it is included for informational and historical purposes. Use DataTAC wireless OIDs in DataTAC Wireless OIDs instead.

This OID requests the miniport driver to return information about the datagram service on the network.

This request uses a WW_ARD_DATAGRAM structure, defined as follows:

    typedef struct _WW_ARD_DATAGRAM {
         BOOLEAN LoadLevel;
         INT SessionTime;
         NDIS_VAR_DATA_DESC HostAddr;
         NDIS_VAR_DATA_DESC THostAddr;

The members of this structure contain the following information:

  • LoadLevel
    The current load-level status.

  • SessionTime
    Datagram session time remaining.

  • HostAddr
    Specifies the host address.

  • THostAddr
    Specifies the test host address.

The HostAddr and THostAddr members are of type NDIS_VAR_DATA_DESC, which was defined previously. The value of each is a network-ordered byte string.

Sets and indications are irrelevant for this OID.

Note   This OID is not available for use beginning with Windows Vista.




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