Window.Dispatcher Proprietà


Restituisce null sempre in un'app SDK per app di Windows.


Window.Dispatcher potrebbe essere modificato o non disponibile nelle versioni future. Usare invece Window.DispatcherQueue .

 property CoreDispatcher ^ Dispatcher { CoreDispatcher ^ get(); };
CoreDispatcher Dispatcher();
/// [get: Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Deprecated("The Dispatcher property is deprecated and always returns null", Windows.Foundation.Metadata.DeprecationType.Deprecate, 65536, "Microsoft.UI.Xaml.WinUIContract")]
CoreDispatcher Dispatcher();
public CoreDispatcher Dispatcher { get; }
public CoreDispatcher Dispatcher { [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Deprecated("The Dispatcher property is deprecated and always returns null", Windows.Foundation.Metadata.DeprecationType.Deprecate, 65536, "Microsoft.UI.Xaml.WinUIContract")] get; }
var coreDispatcher = window.dispatcher;
Public ReadOnly Property Dispatcher As CoreDispatcher

Valore della proprietà

Sempre null in un'app SDK per app di Windows.


Si applica a