Buyer transparency feed

The Buyer Transparency Feed provides advertisers with the most granular insights about transactions that occurred on supply. Those insights include the bid that was submitted, the inventory that was sold, the auction that was run, as well as the tech fees and revenues that ended up with the exchange and the seller. The feed provides 28 datapoints for each impression that was served.

Currently, more than 60% of our direct seller transactions globally—and 85% in the US—are fee transparent.

For most auctions, there will be 1 row with all columns populated (fee columns will not be populated if the seller is not transparent). For Guaranteed Outcomes auctions, where the buyer is buying on an event basis (e.g., such as views or video completion), there can be 1 or 2 rows for the same auction. This will be determined by the following:

  • For Guaranteed Outcomes auctions, where the buyer wins the auction and their creative is rendered, there will be 1 row that contains columns 1-10 (all columns).
  • If the buyer’s required outcome (e.g., a view or complete) occurs, there will be another row that will include columns 1-7 and 10.

The Xandr internal name for this feed is brand_transparency_feed.


The columns below are listed in the same order in which they appear in the log-level feed file (top to bottom here, left to right in the file).

Integer key

  • tinyint = 1 byte (8 bit)
  • smallint = 2 byte (16 bit)
  • int = 4 byte (32 bit)
  • bigint = 8 byte (64 bit)



Microsoft Advertising may need to remove values for certain log level data (LLD) fields in order to comply with current data sharing restrictions.

Column Index Column Name Type Description
1 date_time UNIX Epoch time The date and time of the transaction (e.g., 1526057561 which would need to be translated to Friday, May 11, 2018 4:52:41 PM (UTC)) .
2 partition_time_millis bigint Auction timestamp in milliseconds.
3 auction_id_64 bigint The auction ID ( generated by the Xandr exchange. Value is unique for a given hour (counter is reset each hour).
4 buyer_member_id int The ID of the buyer member within Xandr that bid on this inventory.
5 buyer_member_name string The name of the buyer associated with the buyer member ID.
6 bidder_id int The ID of the DSP that bid on this inventory.
7 bidder_name string The name of the DSP associated with the Bidder ID.
8 inventory message Information about the inventory being purchased. See Inventory for more details.
9 bid message Information about the bid. See Bid for more details.
10 result message Information about the final costs and revenue results. See Result for more details.
11 external_bidrequest_id bigint A unique identifier for the bid request. This ID is often generated by the exchange (or the platform making the request) to distinguish and track individual bid requests. Demand side platforms (DSPs) can use this identifier to associate a response with the corresponding bid request.
12 external_bidrequest_imp_id bigint A unique identifier for the impression within the bid request. Each impression in a bid request has its own ID, allowing advertisers and demand side platforms (DSPs) to reference and submit bids for a specific impression. This field helps identify which impression a bid pertains to.


Column Index Column Name Type Description
1 site_domain string The top-level domain of the website.
2 exchange string The name of the exchange selling the inventory.
3 seller_member_id int The ID of the selling member within the Xandr exchange.
4 seller_name string The name associated with the Seller member ID.
5 tag_id int The ID of the tag that was registered with Xandr.
6 supply_type tinyint The type of supply. Possible values are:
- 0 - Web
- 1 - Mobile Web
- 2 - Mobile App
7 device_type tinyint The type of device on which the impression is served. Possible values are
- 0 - Other
- 1 - Desktop/laptop
- 2 - Mobile phone
- 3 - Tablet
- 4 - TV
- 5 - Game console
- 6 - Media player
- 7 - Set top box
8 country string The country where the inventory was sold.
9 auction_type enum The auction type (first price or second price). Possible values are:
- 1 - FIRST_PRICE - The auction is a first price auction
- 2 - SECOND_PRICE - The auction is a second price auction
10 ads_txt_certification enum Whether or not this seller is authorized to sell the inventory according to ads.txt. Possible values are:
- 1 - domain_data_unavailable
- 2 - seller_unauthorized
- 3 - seller_authorized


Column Index Column Name Type Description
1 bid_amount numeric Gross bid from the buyer (including tech fees).
2 creative_id int Creative ID submitted on the bid response.
3 deal_id int Deal ID submitted on the bid response.
4 clearing_event_id int The commodity being bought; either impressions or one of the Guaranteed Outcomes clearing events. Possible values are:
- 6 - VIEWS - CUSTOM DISPLAY - 100pv1s
- 9 - VIEWS - CUSTOM VIDEO - 100pv50pd
5 media_type tinyint The general display style of the creative, classified by media subtype. To map media subtype IDs to their names and parent media types, use the Media Subtype Service. Two common values are:
- 1 - BANNER
- 64 - VIDEO
6 external_campaign_id string The campaign identifier passed in by external DSPs on their bids.
7 insertion_order_id int32 The ID of the insertion order (in Invest).
8 bidder_seat_id int32 The DSP's identifier for a buyer (including external DSPs).
9 bidder_seat_name string The name of the buyer corresponding to the bidder_seat_id.


Column Index Column Name Type Description
1 gross_media_ cost numeric Cost charged to the buyer inclusive of all tech fees. Total Media Cost plus any tech fees specified in the buyer’s contract applied outside the auction.
2 total_media_cost numeric Final amount that the buyer owes Xandr for the media that was purchased in this auction.
3 exchange_ revenue numeric Amount destined towards the Xandr exchange. Total Media Cost less any tech fees specified in the buyer’s contract applied as a part of the auction.
4 exchange_cost numeric Amount destined towards the seller. Exchange Revenue less any tech fees that the exchange must collect for running this auction.
5 seller_revenue numeric Revenue that the seller will make for selling this media. Exchange Cost less any tech fees specified on the seller’s contract applied as a part of the auction.
6 net_seller_revenue numeric Net revenue paid to the seller. Seller Revenue less any tech fees specified in the seller’s contract applied outside the auction.
7 sasc_cap_savings double Savings from applied SASC cap (e.g., 0.50).