Publisher ID for iOS

This article explains about the publisher_id parameter of the Universal Tag service.  


The publisher_id parameter enables publishers to indicate what action should occur when an ad request fails at the placement level. In older versions of mobile SDK, if the request failed, the member ID was be used to determine which default creative to return with the request. With the addition of the publisher_id parameter, publishers now have two following options to resolve default placements when the request fails:

  1. publisher level default placement
  2. member level default placement

How it works

When an invalid placement code is called:

  • If a publisher_id is present in the JSON request, the request will be rerouted to the publisher level default placement.
  • When there is no publisher_id in the JSON request, the request will be rerouted to the member level default placement.

Ad unit methods for publisher ID

The AdUnit class has following two methods for setting and retrieving publisherId:

Setter Method

Code Sample (Swift)

public func setPublisherId (publisherId:Int)

Code Sample (Objective C)

- (void)setPublisherId:(NSInteger)publisherId;

Getter Method

Code Sample (Swift)


Code Sample (Objective C)

(NSInteger) publisherId;

Multi ad request changes

Users can select from one of three initialization methods. All require a memberId and a delegate object as arguments in order for ANMultiAdRequest be initialized, publisherId is an optional setting. The memberId, delegate and publisherId may only be set during initialization. All AdUnits must contain the same memberId as the one passed in the initialization process. See ANMultiAdRequest for more details.

Code Sample (Objective C)

- (nullable instancetype)
            delegate:(nullable id<ANMultiAdRequestDelegate>)delegate
             adUnits:(nonnull id<ANAdProtocolFoundationCore>)firstAdUnit,
                     ... NS_REQUIRES_NIL_TERMINATION;
- (nullable instancetype)
            delegate:(nullable id<ANMultiAdRequestDelegate>)delegate
             adUnits:(nonnull id<ANAdProtocolFoundationCore>)firstAdUnit,
                     ... NS_REQUIRES_NIL_TERMINATION;
- (nullable instancetype)
                   delegate:(nullable id<ANMultiAdRequestDelegate>)delegate
                    adUnits:(nonnull id<ANAdProtocolFoundationCore>)firstAdUnit,
                            ... NS_REQUIRES_NIL_TERMINATION;
- (nullable instancetype)
                   delegate:(nullable id<ANMultiAdRequestDelegate>)delegate
                    adUnits:(nonnull id<ANAdProtocolFoundationCore>)firstAdUnit,
                            ... NS_REQUIRES_NIL_TERMINATION;
- (nullable instancetype)
         andDelegate:(nullable id<ANMultiAdRequestDelegate>)delegate;
- (nullable instancetype)
         andDelegate:(nullable id<ANMultiAdRequestDelegate>)delegate;


The addAdUnit method of the ANMultiAdRequest will read the attached publisherId of the AdUnit. If that value does not match the publisherId set to the ANMultiAdRequest instance, the ANMultiAdRequest instance will reject the AdUnit.