Microsoft Monetize - Working with line items

A line item defines your financial agreement with an advertiser, including how much the advertiser has allocated for you to spend (budget), the basis on which the advertiser has agreed to pay you (revenue type), and performance requirements the advertiser expects you to meet (performance goals). After setting up a line item, you can create campaigns to specify how to spend the money to make good on your agreement.

  • Create a Standard Line Item - Set up a standard line item in Microsoft Monetize.
  • Augmented Line Items (ALI) - Augmented line item overview.
  • Create an Augmented Line Item - Set up an augmented line item in Microsoft Monetize.
  • Explore Line Items - View essential metrics about all line items under a specific advertiser, find out about conditions preventing line items from serving, get quick access to each line item's details and child campaigns, and use bulk editing and reporting options.
  • View Line Item Details - View the settings and essential metrics for a specific line item, find out about conditions preventing the line item from serving, analyze visualizations of the line item's performance and delivery, get quick access to the line item's child campaigns, and more.
  • Understanding Performance Goals - Learn how performance goals (formerly advertiser goals) help you manage the trade-off between delivery and performance so that you secure more renewals and more revenue.
  • Add a Performance Goal to a Line Item - Add a performance goal to a line item and fine-tune performance goal settings to ensure your campaigns are succeeding.
  • Improve Performance with Visual Succes - View Visual Success data for line items and use it to troubleshoot.
  • Reporting on Line Items - Initiate an advertiser analytics report for one or more line items.
  • Update Line Items - Edit, duplicate, or delete line items.