Outgoing bid response to SSPs


This describes the Xandr integration of the OpenRTB 2.4 protocol.

Xandr will send a Bid Response after it receives a Bid Request from an SSP. The Bid Response will include the bidder's bid (price) and chosen creative (creative_id). This creative will be served if the bid is ultimately accepted by the ad server. Multiple bids within the Bid Response are supported.


Xandr currently supports the following fields in the bid response object:

Bid response object

Field Type Description
bidid string The bid response ID to assist tracking for bidders. This value is chosen by the bidder for cross-reference.
Note: This is used only to populate the macro ${AUCTION_BID_ID}. We do not store this information.
cur string The bid currency using ISO-4217 alphabetic codes. If omitted, default is USD. Also used for the macro ${AUCTION_CURRENCY} in the win notify URL and creative or pixel payload.
id string Required: The ID of the bid request to which this is a response.
seatbid array of objects Required if a bid is made: Used for identifying seatbid objects. See Seat Bid Object for more information.
ext Used for identifying platform-specific extensions to OpenRTB for the bid response object.

Seat bid object

By default, Xandr will return a single seatbid object in the bid response. Xandr can also return multiple seatbid objects (multiple bids). Please contact your account representative for more details.

Xandr supports the following fields in the seatbid object:


We will not group bids by their seat ids. For example, if there are three bids from the same seat, we will send three seatbid objects.

Field Type Description
bid array of objects An array of bid objects; each bid object relates to an Impression Object in the Bid Request. Note that one Impression Object can have many bid objects. See Bid Object for more information.
seat string Either the seat_id passed in the bid request query string (if one was provided) or the Xandr buyer member_id.

Bid object

Field Type Description
adid string The Xandr creative ID, viewable via the API using the Creative Service. This ID references the actual ad to be served if the bid wins.
adm string The rendered creative markup to be delivered. Native creatives are returned in this field as a JSON-encoded string. See Native Object below.
Note: SSPs can opt to have markup delivered to the win notification (nurl) instead by specifying "markup_delivery": 1 in the bid request.
adomain array of strings A list of URLs associated with the brand of the creative in the bid.
attr array of integers Set of attributes describing the creative. Refer to section 5.3 of the IAB specification for a list of attributes.
cat array of strings IAB content categories of the creative. Refer to section 5.1 of the IAB specification for a list of content categories.
cid string The Xandr buyer's member ID.
crid string The Xandr creative ID, viewable via the API using the Creative Service. This ID references the actual ad to be served if the bid wins.
dealid string The seller's deal ID (Xandr deal code) from the deal object in the Bid Request, if this bid relates to a deal.
If the deal does not have a Xandr deal code then we will omit this field.
ext object Used for identifying Xandr-specific extensions to the OpenRTB bid response. See Extension Object below.
h integer The height of the creative, in pixels.
id string The unique ID for the bid object; this is chosen by Xandr for tracking and debugging purposes.
impid string The ID of the impression object to which this bid applies. Will match the id field from the bid request's impression object.
iurl string A preview URL for the creative in the bid.
price float The bid price expressed in CPM.
Note: Although this value is a float, OpenRTB strongly suggests using integer math for accounting to avoid rounding errors.
w integer The width of the creative, in pixels.

Bid extension object

We support the following fields in the bid.ext object:

Field Type Description
dsa object Extension for DSA transparency information.

DSA extension object

Attribute Type Description
behalf string Advertiser Transparency: Free UNICODE text string with a name of whose behalf the ad is displayed. Maximum 100 characters.
paid string Advertiser Transparency: Free UNICODE text string of who paid for the ad. Must always be included even if it's the same as what is listed in the behalf attribute. Maximum 100 characters.
transparency array of object Array of objects of the entities that applied user parameters and the parameters they applied.
adrender integer Flag to indicate that buyer/advertiser will render their own DSA transparency information inside the creative.
0 = buyer/advertiser will not render
1 = buyer/advertiser will render.

Object: Transparency

Attribute Type Description
domain string Domain of the entity that applied user parameters.
params array of integer Array of buy-side applied user parameter targeting (using the list provided by DSA Transparency Taskforce). Include support for multiple vendors who may add their own user-targeting parameters.

Sample  OpenRTB 2.6 Bid Response with DSA transparency:

    "id": "1234567890", 
    "bidid": "abc1123", 
    "seatbid": [ 
            "seat": "512", 
            "bid": [ 
                    "id": "1", 

                    "nurl": "http://adserver.com/winnotice?impid=102", 
                    "iurl": "http://adserver.com/pathtosampleimage", 
                    "adomain": [ 
                    "ext": { 
                        "dsa": { 
                            "behalf": "Advertiser", 
                            "paid": "Advertiser", 
                            "transparency": { 
                                "domain": "dsp1domain.com", 
                                "params": [ 
                            "adrender": 1 

Native object

Xandr supports the following fields to define a native object to be included as a JSON-encoded string in the adm field of the bid object. Refer to Example Native Creative Bid Response for an example of formatting this string.

Field Type Description
assets array of objects (Required) List of the native ad's assets. See Asset Object below.
imptrackers array of strings Array of impression-tracking URLs expected to return a 1x1 image or HTTP 204 (No Content) response. This is typically passed only when using third-party trackers.
Note: This field is only returned for Native version 1.1.
jstracker string Optional JavaScript impression tracker. This is a valid HTML , Javascript is already wrapped in script tags. It should be executed at impression time where it can be supported.
Note: This field is only returned for Native version 1.1.
link object (Required) The default destination link for the native ad. Each individual asset can have its own link object, which applies if that asset is clicked. If an individual asset link does not have a link object, the parent link object is used. See Link Object below.
privacy string If support was indicated in the request, URL of a page informing the user about the buyer’s targeting activity.
ver integer The version of the Native Markup in use. This is only returned for Native version 1.2 and later.

Asset object

Xandr supports the following fields to define one or more native asset objects to be included as a JSON-encoded string as part of the native object in the adm field of the bid object. Refer to Example Native Creative Bid Response for an example of formatting this string.

Field Type Description
data object The data object, for data assets, such as ratings, prices, and so on. See Data Object below.
id integer (Required) The unique asset ID. Must match an asset ID in the request.
img object The image object, for image assets. See Image Object below.
link object The link object for individual assets, which applies if that asset is clicked. If there is no link object for an asset, the parent link object is used. See Link Object below.
required integer Set to 1 if bidder requires asset to be displayed.
title object The title object, for title assets. See Title Object below.
video object The video object, for video assets. Note that in-stream video ads are not part of native objects. Native ads may be contain a video as the creative itself. See Video Object below.

Title object

Used to define a title asset in a native object.

Field Type Description
text string (Required) The text for a title element.

Image object

Used to define a image asset in a native object. Used for all image elements of the native ad, such as icons, main image, and so on.

Field Type Description
h integer (Recommended) The height of the image, in pixels.
url string (Required) The URL of the image asset.
w integer (Recommended) The width of the image, in pixels.

Data object

Used to define a data asset in a native object. Used for all miscellaneous elements in a native ad, such as ratings, price, review count, downloads, and so on.

Field Type Description
label string An optional formatting string name of the data type.
value string The formatted string of data to be displayed (such as "5 stars" or "$10").

Video Object

Used to define a video asset. Contains the value of a conforming VAST tag.

Field Type Description
vasttag string (Required) The VAST XML for this asset.

Used to define the link for a native asset. When clicked, the user is taken to the location of the link. Can be defined for individual assets as well as for the parent native object, which is used as the default for assets when no unique asset link is defined.

Field Type Description
clicktrackers Array of strings Array of third-party tracking URLs to be fired when the link is clicked.
fallback string A fallback URL to be used if the URL is not supported by the device.
url string (Required) The landing URL for the clickable link.

Event trackers response object

Xandr supports the following fields in the event trackers response object (Native 1.2 only):

Field Type Description
event integer Type of event available for tracking. Supported values are:
1: impression - Impression
2: viewable-mrc50 - Viewable impression using MRC definition at 50% in view for 1 second
3: viewable-mrc100 - Viewable impression using MRC definition at 100% in view for 1 second (ie GroupM standard)
4: viewable-video50 - Viewable impression for video using MRC definition at 50% in view for 2 seconds
method integer Type of tracking requested for the given event.
Supported values are:
1: img - Img-pixel tracking - URL provided will be inserted as a 1x1 pixel at the time of the event
2: js - Javascript-based tracking - URL provided will be inserted as a js tag at the time of the event
url string The URL of the img or js.

Extension Object

Xandr supports a single object in the ext object to support Xandr-specific extensions:

Field Type Description
appnexus object Specifies the Xandr-specific extensions to the OpenRTB bid response. See AppNexus Object below.

AppNexus Object

Xandr supports the following fields in the appnexus extension object:

Field Type Description
auction_id integer Specifies the Xandr auction ID.
bid_ad_type int Specifies the ad type of the winning bid. Possible values:
- 0: banner
- 1: video
- 2: audio
- 3: native
bidder_id integer Specifies the Xandr ID that corresponds to the winning bid's bidder (sometimes referred to as a DSP).
brand_id integer Specifies the Xandr brand ID.
exclusive boolean Indicates whether the bid is exclusive depending on the priority.
- If 0, then bid is not exclusive
- If 1, then bid is exclusive
Note: This field is only enabled for specific clients. Please reach out to your account representative for this feature.
ranking_price double Specifies the pCPM bid value for GDLI bids.
Note: This field is only enabled for specific clients. Please reach out to your account representative for this feature.


    "id": "rELYJA1ynf",
    "seatbid": [{
            "bid": [{
                "id": "1122797001398827907",
                "impid": "rELYJA1ynf",
                "price": 1.443626,
                "adid": "41112643",
                "adm": "<a href=\"https://nym1.ib.adnxs.com/click?rA8o_BZ9z-sDyj8Fxn3PwJAAAAAAAPA_rA8o_BcZ9z-sDy8Fxn3PxK8gLrAPTk9oPSfTXFhkVBk_7xWAAAAAPIYXwAMDQAADA0AAAIAAABDVHMCEM8NAAAAAQBVU0QAVVNEACwB-gA_WQAAiLABAQMAAQAJAKkAhCGkZgAAAAA./cnd=%21NQkicgj8x9UFEMOozRMYkJ43IAQoiobAmgE./referrer=ebay.com/clickenc=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.appnexus.com\" target=\"_blank\"><img width=\"300\" height=\"250\" style=\"border-style: none\" src=\"https://dummyimage.com/300x250/363534/FF8700&text=Banner%20Ad\"/></a><script>!function(){function e(e,t){return\"function\"==typeof __an_obj_extend_thunk?__an_obj_extend_thunk(e,t):e}function t(e,t){\"function\"==typeof __an_err_thunk&&__an_err_thunk(e,t)}function n(e){\"function\"==typeof __an_redirect_thunk?__an_redirect_thunk(e):document.write('<script language=\"javascript\" src=\"'+e+'\"></scr'+'ipt>')};var r=function(e){this.rdParams=e};r.prototype={constructor:r,walkAncestors:function(e){try{if(!window.location.ancestorOrigins)return;for(var t=0,n=window.location.ancestorOrigins.length;n>t;t++)e.call(null,window.location.ancestorOrigins[t],t)}catch(r){\"undefined\"!=typeof console}return[]},walkUpWindows:function(e){var t,n=[];do try{t=t?t.parent:window,e.call(null,t,n)}catch(r){return\"undefined\"!=typeof console,n.push({referrer:null,location:null,isTop:!1}),n}while(t!==window.top);return n},getPubUrlStack:function(e){var n,r=[],o=null,i=null,c=null,d=null,a=null,s=null,u=null;for(n=e.length-1;n>=0;n--){try{c=e[n].location}catch(l){\"undefined\"!=typeof console,t(l,\"AnRDModule::getPubUrlStack:: location\")}if(c)i=encodeURIComponent(c),r.push(i),u||(u=i);else if(0!==n){d=e[n-1];try{a=d.referrer,s=d.ancestor}catch(l){\"undefined\"!=typeof console,t(l,\"AnRDModule::getPubUrlStack:: prevFrame\")}a?(i=encodeURIComponent(a),r.push(i),u||(u=i)):s?(i=encodeURIComponent(s),r.push(i),u||(u=i)):r.push(o)}else r.push(o)}return{stack:r,detectUrl:u}},getLevels:function(){var e=this.walkUpWindows(function(e,n){try{n.push({referrer:e.document.referrer||null,location:e.location.href||null,isTop:e===window.top})}catch(r){n.push({referrer:null,location:null,isTop:e===window.top}),\"undefined\"!=typeof console,t(r,\"AnRDModule::getLevels\")}});return this.walkAncestors(function(t,n){e[n].ancestor=t}),e},getRefererInfo:function(){var e=\"\";try{var n=this.getLevels(),r=n.length-1,o=null!==n[r].location||r>0&&null!==n[r-1].referrer,i=this.getPubUrlStack(n);e=this.rdParams.rdRef+\"=\"+i.detectUrl+\"&\"+this.rdParams.rdTop+\"=\"+o+\"&\"+this.rdParams.rdIfs+\"=\"+r+\"&\"+this.rdParams.rdStk+\"=\"+i.stack+\"&\"+this.rdParams.rdQs}catch(c){e=\"\",\"undefined\"!=typeof console,t(c,\"AnRDModule::getRefererInfo\")}return e}};var o=function(n){var o=\"\";try{n=e(n,0);var i=e(new r(n),1);return i.getRefererInfo()}catch(c){o=\"\",\"undefined\"!=typeof console,t(c,\"AnRDModule::executeRD\")}return o};;var s=\"https://nym1.ib.adnxs.com/rd_log?e=wqT_3QKvBPBCJgIAAAIA1gAFCOT-87UFEJL4gtSLuM-cPRig6f_slK7YyFAgASotCawPKPwXGfc_EawPKPwXGfc_GQAAAAAAAPA_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.&s=f3c3b6704b20f2baa8e488269a5810b3cc0ae6f1&referrer=ebay.com\";s+=\"&\"+o({rdRef:\"bdref\",rdTop:\"bdtop\",rdIfs:\"bdifs\",rdStk:\"bstk\",rdQs:\"\"}),n(s)}();</script><script type=\"application/javascript\">;document.write('<div 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src=\"https://cdn.adnxs.com/v/s/33/trk.js\"><\\/scr' + 'ipt>');</script><img src=\"https://nym1.ib.adnxs.com/openrtb_win?e=wqT_3QKvBPBCJgIAAAIA1gAFCOT-87UFEJL4gtSLuM-cPRig6f_slK7YyFAgASotCawPKPwXGfc_EawPKPwXGfc_GQAAAAAAAPA_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.&s=f3c3b6704b20f2baa8e488269a5810b3cc0ae6f1&referrer=ebay.com&pp=${AUCTION_PRICE}\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\">",
                "iurl": "https://nym1.ib.adnxs.com/cr?id=41112643",
                "cid": "3140",
                "crid": "41116499",
                "h": 250,
                "w": 300,
                "ext": {
                    "appnexus": {
                        "brand_id": 1,
                        "auction_id": 2211625207958125586
            "seat": "3344"
    "bidid": "2134167541719148457",
    "cur": "USD"

VAST creative bid response

    "id": "993af0d9-4ecb-4ac7-ac99-6bac442d9774",
    "seatbid": [{
        "bid": [{
            "cid": "362",
            "iurl": "https://nym1-ib.adnxs.com/cr?id=115601913",
            "adomain": [
                        "adm": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><VAST version=\"3.0\"><Ad id=\"115601913\"><Wrapper>...</Wrapper></Ad></VAST>",
            "adid": "115601913",
            "ext": {
                "appnexus": {
                    "brand_id": 29148,
                    "auction_id": 4072930007301496300,
                    "bidder_id": 2,
                    "bid_ad_type": 1,
                    "prebid_server_bid": false
            "w": 1,
            "h": 1,
            "cat": [
            "crid": "115601913",
            "id": "1255325421669335693",
            "impid": "1",
            "price": 1.743896
        "seat": "362"
    "bidid": "3718090108021111485",
    "cur": "USD"

Native creative bid response

        "bidid": "7056250063591570777",
        "cur": "USD",
        "id": "124476071019177977",
        "seatbid": [{
                "bid": [{
                        "adid": "49717777",
                        "adm": "{\"assets\":[{\"id\": 2,\"img\":{\"url\":\"https://cdn.adnxs.com/p/75/e7/9c/15/75e79c15d07b3548651ac638f7c87444.jpg\",\"w\": 800,\"h\": 800}},{\"id\": 1,\"title\":{\"text\":\"Still in search?\"}},{\"id\": 3,\"data\":{\"value\":\"Native\"}},{\"id\": 4,\"data\":{\"value\":\"Future is now!\"}}],\"link\":{\"url\":\"https://nym1-ib.adnxs.com/click?x8bGxsbGEkDsUbgehesPQOxRuB6F6w9AAAAAAAAAEUAAAAAAAAAUQHigAarFkkkWG3fXpZUyLXO3g0pZAAAAALiXsADtHwAAcgMAAAIAAADuofYClRgUAAAAAABVU0QAVVNEAAEAAQDzZQAAAAABAgUCAQAAALUAyCASkfAAAAA./pp=${AUCTION_PRICE}//cnd=%21XgmbpwjIyZoIEO7D2hcYlbFQIAAoADoJTllNMjoyOTQ5/bn=61950/test=1/referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.example.com%2Fnl-nl%2F/clickenc=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.appnexus.com\"},\"imptrackers\":[\"https://nym1-ib.adnxs.com/openrtb_win?e=wqT_3QLlBfBM5QIAAAMA1gAFAQi3h6rKBRD4wIbQ2tjkpBYYm-7drtrSzJZzIAEqLQnHxsbGxsYSQBHsUbgehesPQBnsUbgehesPQCEAAAAAAAARQCkFCLAAFEAwuK_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____________AaoFEjEyNDQ3NjA3MTAxOTE3Nzk3OMAFAMkFAAAAAAAA8D_SCQkJAAAAAAAAAAA.&s=249717074fb86b5ca693d6607d76a0eb3477660e&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.example.com%2Fnl-nl%2F&pp=${AUCTION_PRICE}&\"]}",
                        "adomain": [
                        "cat": [
                        "cid": "882",
                        "crid": "49717777",
                        "ext": {
                                "appnexus": {
                                        "auction_id": 1605976119792738444,
                                        "bidder_id": 2,
                                        "brand_id": 86444
                        "id": "1633865541179659394",
                        "impid": "1",
                        "iurl": "https://nym1-ib.adnxs.com/cr?id=49717777",
                        "price": 3.99
                "seat": "882"