CredSSP Prevents Remote Desktop Connection
I have a lab environment that I try to keep a working version of the AzureFondation and recently I havent' been able to log into the domain controllers that handle my AAD Connect servers.
The error message: "An Authentication error has occurred. The function requested is not supported Remote computer: This could be due to CredSSP encryption oracle remediation. For more information, see"
This is where I find out that my VMs are not auto updating. I know, this isn't the best way to build VMs that don't automatically update, but I was in a hurry when I deployed the lab.
The issue: If I can't RDP to the server how can I run System Update?
The solution:
From a patched RDP server with network connectivity to your Azure server's that need to get this patch applied,
- Get PSEXEC.exe
- Get the PowerShell Script, PS_WinUpdate to update the VM.
- Open a CMD prompt in Admin Mode
- Run the following command: psexec.exe -s \\w1padds1a cmd (this will open a remote command prompt on the RDS session)
- Now that you have a remote session, run the powershell script: powershell.exe c:\users\willstgov\documents\ps_winupdate.ps1 (I was able to get a mapped drive to the server and copy the script to the remote computer)
This poor server needed to update a lot of things so it is still running :)
Next steps will be to have an automation account running that updates the VMs the way they should be.