Loading the SCOM PowerShell Module, For Real This Time!
This is just a quick post and reference for how I have come to load the SCOM PowerShell module for scripts that requiring SCOM cmdlets. It evolved from several examples I borrowed (thank you to those sources which I've since lost), combined with some real world experiences (such as running inside a SCOM rule / PowerShell Workspace API, running from Orchestrator, running from a scheduled task, running from a machine with the console and PS module install but not a MS), and is now:
$OMCmdletsTest = (Get-Module|% {$_.Name}) -Join ' '
If (!$OMCmdletsTest.Contains('OperationsManager')) {
$ModuleFound = $false
$SetupKeys = @('HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Setup',
'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\System Center Operations Manager\12\Setup')
foreach($setupKey in $SetupKeys) {
If ((Test-Path $setupKey) -and ($ModuleFound -eq $false)) {
$setupKey = Get-Item -Path $setupKey
$installDirectory = $setupKey.GetValue('InstallDirectory')
$psmPath = $installdirectory + '\Powershell\OperationsManager\OperationsManager.psm1'
If (Test-Path $psmPath) {
$ModuleFound = $true
If ($ModuleFound) {
Import-Module $psmPath
} else {
Import-Module OperationsManager