ASP.NET Control Registration Simplicity
Scott Guthrie has done it again and talks to us about how to register controls for pages in a web application one time instead of on each page.
Trick- How to Register User Controls and Custom Controls in Web.config
Basically, instead of this:
<% Register TagPrefix="scott" TagName="header" Src="Controls/Header.ascx" %
<% Register TagPrefix="scott" TagName="footer" Src="Controls/Footer.ascx" %
<%@ Register TagPrefix="ControlVendor" Assembly="ControlVendor" %>
Do this in the web.config:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<add tagPrefix="scottgu" src="~/Controls/Header.ascx" tagName="header"/>
<add tagPrefix="scottgu" src="~/Controls/Footer.ascx" tagName="footer"/>
<add tagPrefix="ControlVendor" assembly="ControlVendorAssembly"/>