Careful with & operator on CComBSTR variables.
Be careful when using the & operator on a CComBSTR variable. If this variable is not empty, using the & operator on it to point it to a new BSTR will lead to a memory leak.
For instance,
if you have a variable bsz1
declared and initialized as:
CComBSTR bsz1("HiWorld");
the member BSTR is allocated by issuing a call to SysAllocString. If you use somewhere after that in your code (&bsz1), you will cause a memory leak.
You can call bsz1.empty() before you use &bsz1 to prevent from the memory leak.
- Anonymous
October 28, 2004
What's really strange is that unlike CComPtr, CComBSTR doesn't even assert that the pointer is NULL in its operator&.
I heard that this might be fixed in Whidbey, but in the meantime we manually added ATLASSERT(m_bstr == NULL) to our ATL sources. This single change has allowed us to find somewhere around 10-15 BSTR leaks, and generated only a few false positives. - Anonymous
October 29, 2004
Im confused. Can you explain this a little more? Simply taking the address of a CComBSTR causes a memory leak? I dont get it. - Anonymous
October 29, 2004
Taking the address does not cause the leak. Overwritng the pointer with something else does:
CComPtr<IXMLNode> spNode1, spNode2;
CComBSTR bstr;
spNode1->get_text (&bstr);
spNode2->get_text (&bstr);
The second get_text() call leaks the BSTR allocated by the first one.