gclassy.com : Gregory (Gus) Class's Media Technology Blog

Microsoft's Consumer Media Technology from a Programmer Writer's Perspective


I have finally moved this blog over to my hosted site at https://blogs.msdn.com/seealso

Date: 01/06/2009

What makes a blog good? How can you make your blog better?

I have been thinking about this a lot lately as I have been thinking of ways that I can improve my...

Date: 12/12/2008

Twitter, Tumblr, and social blogging

I have recently decided to start trying Twitter again. The problem that I had with it was I failed...

Date: 12/05/2008

Zune gets even better!

I just realized that with the 3.1 update to the Zune service, the Zune service (Zunepass) will allow...

Date: 11/24/2008

Hi, I'm a Tablet PC

Looks like another parody was created at WIPTE

Date: 11/20/2008

Multitouch, multitouch, multitouch!

Things are getting pretty exciting around here. I have just finished my third year at Microsoft and...

Date: 11/19/2008

Developing Multitouch Applications

I just saw this interesting video online which has been very helpful in getting me to completely...

Date: 11/06/2008

PDC2008 Conference Keynotes Online

Check this out! Lots of awesome gems there including the Day #2 keynote that shows off Windows 7...

Date: 10/29/2008

Windows 7 First Impressions from PDC

I'm really excited for Windows 7, and it's been really hard to stay hush hush on it. What's really...

Date: 10/28/2008

CComPtr and CComQIPtr, ATL / COM's smart pointers

Until I started working at Microsoft, or maybe even until I started working on Windows, I wasn't...

Date: 10/10/2008

My MSDN Magazine article on developing for Tablet PC is online!

Woo! Check it out here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc967278.aspx

Date: 10/06/2008

A response to criticism for Microsoft's compliance documentation

I want to preface this that this post is my personal perspective and that of what I have seen from...

Date: 09/26/2008

How to use the Real-time stylus

The Real-Time Stylus (RTS) is a Tablet PC SDK feature that simplifies customized rendering of Stylus...

Date: 09/15/2008

An interesting Tablet PC concept from Intel

This gizmodo article shows a shiny new Tablet from Intel that is rather unique in that it looks...

Date: 08/25/2008

10 Useful Web Sites I Frequent

As a digression from my regular ... absence? I figured I would post the first 10 useful Web sites...

Date: 08/13/2008

InkSeine and other cool OfficeLabs betas

I just found out about the Office Labs [https://www.officelabs.com/Pages/Default.aspx] where...

Date: 08/05/2008

Defective HP Laptops

So, I just found out that the laptop that failed on me during my finals (while I was working on my...

Date: 07/30/2008

Mojave Experiment

I think the Mojave Expeiment's pretty funny. There's some people whose perceptions of Vista are...

Date: 07/30/2008

Multi-touch now public for the Dell Latitude XT?

According to this Gizmodo article, you can now download multitouch firmware for the Dell Latitude. I...

Date: 07/16/2008

Bill Gates Photos, Narrated by Bill Gates

I am a huge BillG fan and there's a lot of hoopla going on around Microsoft as he moves on to...

Date: 06/20/2008

Getting and Setting Properties of a Dialog Created Control in COM and OLE

OK, I recently had a really hard time getting and setting the properties of an ActiveX control in...

Date: 06/18/2008

Pattern Fills in Office 2007

My cousin is a grad-school researcher who recently switched to Office 2007 from Office 2003. In...

Date: 06/10/2008

TechEd Day 4: Closing the booth

I made it to the booth by 9:00 where Eliot was waiting. Once I showed up, it was time for another...

Date: 06/08/2008

TechEd Day 3: Rickrolled at Universal

Ok, today is Thursday, which is the day of the night of the big Universal Studios party so, needless...

Date: 06/07/2008

TechEd Day 1: Getting the ball rolling, getting over Jetlag

After taking the red eye from Seattle at 12:40, I arrived at 8:30 am Seattle time in Orlando. I had...

Date: 06/04/2008

Thoughts on searching: when to use a hash / when to use a db / when to use a distributed hash?

I have written a few medium scale (hundreds of gigs of data) database systems and have been working...

Date: 04/28/2008

Resolving issues with Code Behind / Code File conversions in IIS 2003 - 2008

I recently encountered a strange issue while migrating an older Web site that was developed in...

Date: 03/31/2008

Windows Help and How-to videos

I love these videos, they're campy but short and clear. The writers on a team related to mine have...

Date: 03/28/2008

Using the InkOverlay Control to Avoid Reinventing the Wheel

As mentioned elsewhere, the InkOverlay control is a superset of the InkCollector. This control...

Date: 03/10/2008

Getting Started with Unmanaged Tablet Development

Background on Pen-computing for Tablet, Inking, and Recognition Taking input from a pen device and...

Date: 02/19/2008

Hello Tablet!

The life of a Programmer/Writer is exciting! We frequently have the opportunity to be learning new...

Date: 02/14/2008

Apple Launches iTunes video rental store but will it change the market's perception of online rentals?

So it looks like Apple has launched a rental store for iTunes, which, given their timing, is...

Date: 01/18/2008

PlayReady to Appear in Nokia Handsets

DRM Watch has followed up on our announcement regarding bundling PlayReady with Nokia phones. I'm...

Date: 08/09/2007

Microsoft Extends Xbox 360 Warranty to 3 years for consoles with the red ring

This is pretty good news. To my chagrin, my 360 recently died (red ring) and I paid to have the xbox...

Date: 07/05/2007

Unofficial HDMI cable for Xbox 360, the white one!

Here's an interesting article that hints that an unofficial HDMI cable is right around the corner...

Date: 06/26/2007

GTA 4 Episodic content coming only to Xbox 360

I heard rumors before that the Xbox 360 version of GTA 4 would be the only one that would have...

Date: 06/19/2007

Halo 3 Viral Campaign Begins, and just a few months to launch

Sept. 25th. That date sounds like a long ways away for me right now, but I'm sure it will arrive...

Date: 06/19/2007

Microsoft IPTV gets a new name with the latest release

Sounds like we're switching Microsoft TV: IPTV Edition to Mediaroom. Microsoft TV is something of a...

Date: 06/18/2007

This Halo 3 internal Beta video is too hot not to post

Check out the laser lovin' at the end. Awesome!

Date: 05/11/2007

HD DVD first to sell 100,000 standalone players

Shiny Shiny reports that HD DVD has now sold 100k standalone units, making it the first to reach...

Date: 04/23/2007

Xbox 360 getting messenger and Windows Media DRM streaming features!

Now I will be able to seem even more productive while playing 360 :) More info on Joystiq And on...

Date: 04/09/2007

Microsoft joins Apple with DRM-Free Music from EMI

This is interesting[DRM Watch]. It looks like everyone is jumping on the wagon with DRM-free EMI...

Date: 04/05/2007

DLA Devices in the Wild Already?

So... Engadget is reporting that the SanDisk Sansa Connect, a device capable of streaming radio and...

Date: 04/05/2007

Xbox 360 Elite with HDMI out...

Boy, this was one of the worst kept secrets in video games... I've been reading rumors about this...

Date: 03/28/2007

Forward looking 90-minute Bill Gates Speech (1989)

This (via Slashdot) is pretty awesome. In this speech from 1989 Bill pretty accurately predicts the...

Date: 03/27/2007

RealNetworks Takes Helix off the Market

As covered on DRM Watch it seems that Real is getting out of the DRM business. This can be both good...

Date: 03/15/2007
