Now available: March CTP of the Windows Azure Tools and SDK
New release of the Windows Azure SDK and Tools!
From now on, you only have to download the Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio and the SDK will be installed as part of that package.
Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio (please give time for propagation or use the direct link to the download)
In a nutshell, you can now run managed code Full Trust and if you want to give fastCGI applications on Windows Azure a try, you can do that too!
Please install the following hotfixes:
Hotfix: Native Debugging Improvements
Hotfix: Support for FastCGI on the Development Fabric
What’s new in Windows Azure SDK
- Support for developing Managed Full Trust applications. It also provides support for Native Code via PInvokes and spawning native processes.
- Support for developing FastCGI applications, including support for rewrite rules via URL Rewrite Module.
- Improved support for the integration of development storage with Visual Studio, including enhanced performance and support for SQL Server (only local instance).
What’s new in Windows Azure Tools for Visual Studio
- Combined installer includes the Windows Azure SDK
- Addressed top customer bugs.
- Native Code Debugging.
- Update Notification of future releases.
- FastCGI template
March 18, 2009
Thank you for submitting this cool story - Trackback from DotNetShoutoutAnonymous
March 18, 2009
Ok, so I didn’t get to go to MIX, but we watched the keynote in the MTC boardroom this afternoon – itAnonymous
March 18, 2009
Just in time for Mix '09 - new Windows Azure Tools and SDK . New Features: Combined installer that installsAnonymous
March 18, 2009
ADO.NET Data Services v1.5 CTP1
March 19, 2009
New version of the Azure SDK and tools is available. Most notable new features: Managed full trust...Anonymous
March 27, 2009
Je vous en parlais lors de ma présence au Microsoft Mix 2009 – Las Vegas, Microsoft vient de mettre à