Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Group Chat SDK/Hotfix 배포
GroupChat SDK 와 Hotfix가 배포되었습니다. Download는 아래 Link에서 확인 가능합니다.
GroupChat SDK -
GroupChat Hotfix -
추가/제공되는 기능은 아래와 같습니다.
. Scale Improvements . Group Chat now supports up to 60,000 concurrent users . Server Resiliency . Support for High Availability and Disaster Recovery . Server Side SDK . Managed APIs to programmatically access all End User and Amin functionality . More integrated client experience . Co-existence with Communicator, including ability to use Group Chat as primary IM client . User colors . Support for custom end user colors . Client Extensibility [Add-in] . Ability to stitch business logic into the flow of chat rooms by serving up URLs inline using Add-in APIs. |
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