DatePicker calendar custom control for WinRT Xaml


I have made a new release on the Datepicker project for WinRT (Xaml) : You can check this new version on Codeplex: WinRT Xaml Calendar Control


The first part “Creation of a date picker” is here : WinRT Xaml Calendar

At the beginning, this control was just a POC (a proof of concept) The first release was not fully functional. There was a lot of bug and unsupported features (well, it was a sample to illustrate the customization of a ListBox Sourire)

I had a lot of remarks (bad and good remarks… actually a lot of bad remarks Clignement d'œil) because lot of people thought that this control could be used in production code…

That was not the case.

Today, I have made a big work on refactoring this control to provide a real control, that you can use in production code (well actually, I hope you can use it Sourire)


To achieve this, I have re-use the LoopItemsPanel (with customization, of course)

You can read the use of this ItemsTemplatePanel here : Create an ItemsTemplatePanel

Here is the (not exhaustive) list of new features:

  • Full binding support (Mode=TwoWay)
  • Loop list implementation
  • Style customization ready
  • Mouse gestures (yes !)
  • Correction of incorrect items position



If you want to make some suggestions or remarks on this control, please use the Issue Tracker section from the codeplex site


Happy Coding;



  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2013
    y a pas à dire ! le style iPhone, c'est vraiment le plus Mochi :)

  • Anonymous
    September 01, 2013
    It's fantastic...

  • Anonymous
    January 07, 2014
    Owsam work. Bit i need iphone latest date picker for windows phone and slates.

  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2014
    Hello Sebastien, joli controle !! Il y a tout de meme un point qui me pose probleme.. Pour une application 'fr', j'ai beau modifier le template et tenter de mettre les jours en colonne 0, le controle ne veut rien savoir et s'obstine a mettre la notation mmddyyyy. Est-ce possible via les templates d'avoir un affichage de type francais ? Merci Thierry

  • Anonymous
    April 01, 2015
    This control is great...but how can I use it with different data? I'd like a looping list selector that just holds a string or image rather than a multi-part date. I've tried customizing the sample, but the data source seems to be deeply hard-coded into the control. Any tips?

  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2015
    So many of these... we really really need a time span picker for WinRT

  • Anonymous
    May 11, 2015
    Hello, just found your amazing control. But i have trouble to change the IPhone template to german layout (day - month -year) Trying to change the grid.column in the DatePickerStyleIPhone style and in the generic.xaml for the DatePicker. But no luck. Can you Help me. Greetings from Germany

  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2015
    Hi, I finally find a control very similar to the iPhone style Wheel Picker for Windows. Is it possible to extend this control to be a general one that can accept a looping list of text or images ? Developers need a consistent UI experience to select a date or select an item. I am Android developer too, the similar control is available a few years ago. Hope the Windows team can help a bit for the Windows developer.

  • Anonymous
    September 05, 2015
    I have been porting your C# iPhone style date picker control to C++/CX for 2 weeks. It is not an easy task. Can you create a C++/CX version for Windows 10 to help the developers ? Thanks.