Multipinger with powershell
I decided to give this a go and create a multipinger with powershell... this is my first draft!
if I get time I plan to change it to use jobs instead and then format the results out... but this is a functional first draft..
here is the code
param ([parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string]$begin, [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string]$end)
function pingip([string]$firstoct,[string]$secondoct,[string]$thirdoct,[string]$fourthoct)
$iptotest = $firstoct + "." + $secondoct + "." + $thirdoct + "." + $fourthoct
$test = test-connection $iptotest
if ($test.count -gt 0)
$result = "$iptotest is alive"
$result = "$iptotest is dead"
return $result
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$ipbegin = $begin.split(".")
$ipend = $end.split(".")
$firstoctetmatch = $false
$secondoctetmatch = $false
$thirdoctetmatch = $false
$fourthoctetmatch = $false
if ($ipbegin[0] -eq $ipend[0])
$firstoctetmatch = $true
if ($ipbegin[1] -eq $ipend[1])
$secondoctetmatch = $true
if ($ipbegin[2] -eq $ipend[2])
$thirdoctetmatch = $true
if ($ipbegin[3] -eq $ipend[3])
$fourthoctetmatch = $true
if ($firstoctetmatch -eq $true)
write-host "First Octet Matches"
$firstoctet = $ipbegin[0]
if ($secondoctetmatch -eq $true)
write-host "Second Octet Matches"
$secondoctet = $ipbegin[1]
if ($thirdoctetmatch -eq $true)
write-host "Third Octect Matches"
$thirdoctet = $ipbegin[2]
if ($fourthoctetmatch -eq $true)
write-host "Forth Octet Matches"
write-host "We are pinging one single IP"
$pingip = test-connection $begin
if ($pingip.count -gt 0)
write-host "$begin is alive"
write-host "We are pinging a range of IP's"
[int]$startingnumber = $ipbegin[3]
[int]$endingnumber = $ipend[3]
if (($startingnumber -eq 0) -or ($endingnumber -eq 255))
while ($startingnumber -le $endingnumber)
$fourthoctet = $startingnumber
pingip $firstoctet $secondoctet $thirdoctet $fourthoctet
write-host "Invalid Number Detected in either starting number or ending number"
write-host "Numbers cannot be 0 or 255"
exit 1
[int]$thirdoctetstartnumber = $ipbegin[2]
[int]$thirdoctetendnumber = $ipend[2]
[int]$fourthoctetstartnumber = $ipbegin[3]
[int]$fourthoctetendnumber = $ipend[3]
while ($thirdoctetstartnumber -le $thirdoctetendnumber)
$thirdoctet = $thirdoctetstartnumber
if ($thirdoctet -eq $thirdoctetendnumber)
write-host "last part of the range"
while ($fourthoctetstartnumber -le $fourthoctetendnumber)
$fourthoctet = $fourthoctetstartnumber
pingip $firstoctet $secondoctet $thirdoctet $fourthoctet
write-host "loads to do"
while ($fourthoctetstartnumber -le 254)
$fourthoctet = $fourthoctetstartnumber
$fourthoctetstartnumber = 1
[int]$secondoctetstartnumber = $ipbegin[1]
[int]$secondoctetendnumber = $ipend[1]
[int]$thirdoctetstartnumber = $ipbegin[2]
[int]$thirdoctetendnumber = $ipend[2]
[int]$fourthoctetstartnumber = $ipbegin[3]
[int]$fourthoctetendnumber = $ipend[3]