Classy & Easy Thank You Notes

If you are truly lazy, but still want to show your gratitude, you can always do what I do.  Instead of spending all that precious mental energy composing a thank-you note, just fill out a handy form!  Everybody wins: you don't have to stress your imagination thinking of polite-but-not-strained things to say, and they get the bona fide social nicety of a thank-you card.

I honestly have no idea why more people don't do this.  I could make millions just printing and selling these gems, I swear.  If there's enough interest, maybe I'll make a Media Center add-in that lets you send them from your couch, using just your remote control!

(for the slow-witted: this is humor, so don't blame me if you actually do this to someone who would not think it funny)


  • Anonymous
    January 09, 2006
    People probably don't do it because it is tacky and makes you look lazy. You might as well show your true self and just not send the thank you note instead of doing this. Show them what a gem you really are.
  • Anonymous
    January 09, 2006
    Ah, I love a reader with no sense of humor. Duh.
  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2006
    if you send this to Hallmark, they might actually turn it into a commercial product :-)