Going to Internet Explorer
Many of you have commented that I've been kind of quiet lately. This was largely a reflection of my job, I was working on an internal team that I could not write much about for the last couple of years. I had a great experience there but that trek is now coming to an end. In a few days I'll be working on Internet Explorer and back in the thick of the public facing products. IE is a very exciting place to be and I'm sure it will be loaded with issues I can write about that will be of general interest without giving away product plans and so forth.
I hope to be writing a lot more in the coming months.
Thank you for your support over the years :)
November 13, 2011
> that trek is now coming to an end becoming a public deliverable or killed or what ?Anonymous
November 13, 2011
mystery project that noone could talk about : Midori ?Anonymous
November 14, 2011
Performance Happens Rico - make it happen for IE. :-)Anonymous
November 14, 2011
Are you there for Perf work? Google got problem... :)Anonymous
November 14, 2011
I'll be doing performance at least to start and we'll see where it goes from there. I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities :)Anonymous
November 16, 2011
Sorry for the out-of-place comment, but I found an error in blogs.msdn.com/.../449244.aspx . Where it says, "if (args[iarg].Length "... There are three expressions separated by logical operators. Perhaps you meant to group the last two of those expressions? The result is that, when passing just "/" as a parameter, the program crashes. I haven't looked at any other code in this example, because I was tracing through and came to this first off and it screamed at me!Anonymous
November 23, 2011
That is the best news for all the web developers and web users!Anonymous
November 23, 2011
The comment has been removedAnonymous
November 23, 2011
@Limited Atonement You're absolutely right, and that bug has been there for years. They should be grouped. Clearly I never use the / form of the arguments.