Shaykatc's WebLog

Googles desktop sidebar and email panel

So I downloaded the desktop sidebar and I like the email panel a lot. However I wish it had better...

Date: 08/23/2005

Our sessions at the PDC

In case you didnt see it, Luca has posted on our PDC sessions. Lots of cool new language stuff......

Date: 07/28/2005

Compatibility competition!

We are holding a compatibility competition, to get the last couple of bugs out of the product before...

Date: 07/18/2005

Ipod candy

I've resisted the urge to get an Ipod for so long, but this nearly made me change my mind. I'm...

Date: 05/31/2005

Card Game Starter Kit aka "Play more Blackjack" released!

We just released the Card Game starter kit, a new starter kit for Beta2 here. Its a blackjack...

Date: 05/27/2005

C# Status: 5/27/2005

Short status today... These last two weeks have been a whirlwind ride for our team. We made a huge...

Date: 05/26/2005

Xbox 360 interview

Engadget, a cool tech blog I'm just discovering has an interview with Steve Ballmer and Robbie Back...

Date: 05/18/2005

Whats in a name?

So my name tends to be unusual for most people. Shaykat. Its tough for people to pronounce initially...

Date: 05/12/2005

C# Status: 5/11/2005

Last week we rocked on bugs. The dev team kicked it up a notch and started fixing bugs to hit their...

Date: 05/11/2005

The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

Ever seen the error in the title...the one that happens when you rebuild your project in VS and it...

Date: 05/05/2005

C# IDE community chat in an hour!

Our IDE team is having a community chat in an hour from now (1.00 PM P.S.T)! These are the guys who...

Date: 05/05/2005

C# Status 5/4/2005

Wowie zowie, what a fun week we have ahead of us. Yesterday, our release folks came to a collective...

Date: 05/04/2005

Ever wondered what our stats are for Product Feedback bugs?

Rusty, our test manager takes care of managing our customer feedback bugs from the MSDN product...

Date: 05/02/2005

C# team blogs now up on the Dev Center

We now prop C# team member blogs on the front page of our Dev Center. This is a quick insight into...

Date: 04/20/2005

C# videos!

Another change that occurred with the release of Whidbey Beta2 is that the C# dev center was updated...

Date: 04/19/2005

C# Beta2 features - Intellisense completion characters.

So how do you like Beta2 so far? One of our goals this cycle is to get your feedback early! We are...

Date: 04/19/2005

Wired article on Google maps

I just read this article on Wired on google maps. The article basically states that Googles...

Date: 04/14/2005

C# Language Chat next Thursday

Scott Nonnenberg is running another chat next Thursday. The theme is the language - come and ask...

Date: 04/14/2005

Update: C# favorite, must have tools!

BTW - for all who suggested new tools in my old blog post, the page has been updated with your...

Date: 04/11/2005

C# Status: 4/11/2004

A number of people have asked about Beta2 and I've seen discussion about it. Im trying to figure out...

Date: 04/11/2005

Java to .NET Framework migration workshop...

We have a free online course to help Java developers migrate to .NET... Check out the workshop at...

Date: 04/07/2005

C# Community reviews

One of my responsibilities on the team is to manage our community process. In C# we put an emphasis...

Date: 04/06/2005

C# Status: 3/24/2005

Our bug counts finally dropped off in Beta2 and we hit a big 0 today. Jay has been ecstatic all day...

Date: 03/24/2005

C# favorite, must have tools...

I was recently going over our MSDN developer center page at and...

Date: 03/22/2005

Whidbey release info

This article has info on our release plans....

Date: 03/22/2005

Book Review: Take back your life!

Catchy title, eh? I gotta admit, when I first saw the title, I judged the book by its cover, and...

Date: 03/18/2005

MS Web based RSS aggregator...

Just checked out the trial MS Web based aggregator at Seems kind of neat...

Date: 03/17/2005

McCabes Cyclomatic Complexity

This is a cool concept that Steve discussed briefly today. The discussion was around how to do code...

Date: 03/16/2005

C# Status: 3/15/2005

The last two weeks have been intense and this has contributed to my lack of blogging our status....

Date: 03/15/2005

February Community Technology Preview is out!

The Feb CTP just got released today. Its the Express SKU. This is a build from a source branch that...

Date: 03/03/2005

Recruiting in C# land

I saw Erics post on recruiting in Movie Maker and felt the need to blog about our efforts in C# to...

Date: 03/02/2005

Gmail invites - perhaps time to blog a question

So I use gmail. Its a nice email service - I like the autocomplete on address feature, but still not...

Date: 03/01/2005

Customer question and a new release

First off - the new release. Vs7.0 SP1 is out. This is the SP for VS2002. It bundles a ton of QFE's...

Date: 03/01/2005

C# Status: 2/28/2005

Sorry for the late status post - last Friday was quite a rush. We entered last week with ~50 Beta2...

Date: 02/28/2005

C# Status: 2/18/2005

I was sick all last week, so this week started slowly for me as I fought fatigue and an onslaught of...

Date: 02/18/2005

Debugging .NET apps on Windows 98

I was sick all of last week and am still recovering from the flu. My blogging slacked off a bit, but...

Date: 02/15/2005

C# this week: 2/4/2005

Our shut down of Whidbey Beta2 continued this week, with ask mode beginning last Monday. Jay, Kartik...

Date: 02/04/2005

C# this week: 1/28/2005

The dev team came out a swinging this week. We started with a fairly high amount of bugs and last...

Date: 01/28/2005

The hoops we ask people to jump through for ask mode...

Next week, every bug that C# checks in to Whidbey Beta2 will have to be approved by our triage team....

Date: 01/28/2005

C# Languae chat in one hour...

Got questions about the language design? The language team will be on their keyboards at 1pm Pacific...

Date: 01/27/2005

Ideal C# talks

We were talking about talks at conferences today, and it got me wondering...what talks would you...

Date: 01/26/2005

The glass is also half full...

I've posted recently about bugs we havent been fixing. I fear this tends to put a negative touch on...

Date: 01/24/2005

C# Compiler blog

Luca is our uber cool C# compiler program manager. He gets to do cool stuff, such as sit in on...

Date: 01/24/2005

C# this week 1/21/2005

We had a rollicking ride this week in our PU. Bugs once again became the name of the game. After two...

Date: 01/21/2005

Crashdumps of yore to go away

Scott Nonnenberg on our team has posted on a recent cut we are looking at...see...

Date: 01/19/2005

Debugger chat in 20 minutes!

Just a heads up that the Debugger chat is in 20 minutes! You can find the chat at...

Date: 01/13/2005
