How do you make the wind blow indoors?
So if you want to have a demo that uses an anemometer to measure wind speeds - how do you make it work indoors where there is no wind? This is a problem that John Leier (Technical Product Manager for the .NET Micro Framework) and Jim Mateer (Program Manager for the .NET MF) took on as a challenge. Inspired by all the creative fun here at Maker Faire they came up with the idea of using a DC motor to spin the "cups" of the anemometer. With changes in the speed of the motor you can simulate various wind speeds.
October 19, 2008
While not as fun or creative, a fan could have worked :PAnonymous
October 22, 2008
Well, a fan seems like a good idea. In fact, that is waht we tried first. However there are several issues with that. It's hard to carry around a fan big enough to make much of an impact on the anememoter. Even with a little muffin fan it's a challenge to mount it in a way that is easy to transport and setup and still have an impact on the anemometer. Thus the team investigated other more "creative" options.