Is this obvious?

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

class LearnTheMaterialsYouWillUse


    static void Main(string[] IsThisObvious)


        TimeSpan passesBeforeYouKnowIt;

        DoYouNodeThis aBigOlTree = new DoYouNodeThis(21);

        passesBeforeYouKnowIt = TimeIteration(aBigOlTree.InOrder1());

        Console.WriteLine("InOrder1:" + passesBeforeYouKnowIt);

        passesBeforeYouKnowIt = TimeIteration(aBigOlTree.InOrder2());

        Console.WriteLine("inOrder2:" + passesBeforeYouKnowIt);

        passesBeforeYouKnowIt = TimeIteration(aBigOlTree.InOrder1());

        Console.WriteLine("InOrder1:" + passesBeforeYouKnowIt);

        passesBeforeYouKnowIt = TimeIteration(aBigOlTree.InOrder2());

        Console.WriteLine("InOrder2:" + passesBeforeYouKnowIt);



    private static TimeSpan TimeIteration(IEnumerable<uint> treeTraversal)


        uint isHardToGetRight = 0;

        System.DateTime start = System.DateTime.Now;

        foreach (uint ui in treeTraversal)


            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ui == isHardToGetRight++);


        return DateTime.Now - start;



class DoYouNodeThis


    static uint ctUpNotDown = 0;

    DoYouNodeThis left;

    DoYouNodeThis right;

    uint theInOrderOrder;

    public DoYouNodeThis(uint thatsDeep)


        if (thatsDeep == 0)


            left = null;

            theInOrderOrder = ctUpNotDown++;

            right = null;




            left = new DoYouNodeThis(thatsDeep - 1);

            theInOrderOrder = ctUpNotDown++;

            right = new DoYouNodeThis(thatsDeep - 1);



    public IEnumerable<uint> InOrder1()


        if (left != null)


            foreach (uint thatIsSoEasyToGet in left.InOrder1())


                yield return thatIsSoEasyToGet;



        yield return theInOrderOrder;

        if (right != null)


            foreach (uint thatIsASnapToGet in right.InOrder1())


                yield return thatIsASnapToGet;




    public IEnumerable<uint> InOrder2()


        Stack<DoYouNodeThis> theyDidntNeedThisStackAbove = new Stack<DoYouNodeThis>();

        DoYouNodeThis traversal = this;

        while ((traversal != null) || (theyDidntNeedThisStackAbove.Count != 0))


            while (traversal != null)



  traversal = traversal.left;


            traversal = theyDidntNeedThisStackAbove.Pop();

            if (traversal != null)


                yield return traversal.theInOrderOrder;

                traversal = traversal.right;






  • Anonymous
    March 29, 2005
    Wow, using a recursive iterator here is 20x slower! I expected it to be slower (many more function calls), but not that much slower.

    However, I guess it's not too surprising. Using a flat iterator (InOrder2) is O(n) where n is the number of nodes in the tree (we never look at a node more than twice). But using a recursive iterator has to walk up to the depth of the tree at every iteration (by calling down into the appropriate iterator function) so it's O(n * lg n). This means we're comparing O(d^2) to O(d^3) where d is the depth of the tree (precisely, I think it's "d^2 + d" vs. "1/3d^3 + 1/2d^2 + 1/6d"). That's a big difference!