I Should Have Done This Years Ago (New-Shortcut, Revisited)
In spite of having this blog, sometimes I rewrite a function because I forgot I wrote it already. Case in point, New-Shortcut. It was one of my earlier entries in this blog:
However, the “I should have done this years ago” refers to something else – the fact that I should auto-populate shortcuts for TaskMgr.exe and PowerShell.exe on my Desktop and my StartUp folder on all my machines.
Desktop is $home\Desktop. The StartUp folder was hidden long ago under $env:AppData, specifically “$env:AppData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup”.
With this, it becomes as simple as:
@(‘taskmgr’, ‘powershell’) |
% {
$exe = "$_.exe";
$lnk = "$_.lnk";
@("$home\Desktop", "$env:AppData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup") |
% {
if(!(Test-Path -Path "$_\$lnk"))
New-Shortcut -Target $exe -Path $_;
Or, if you don't value readability:
@(‘taskmgr’, ‘powershell’) | % { $exe = "$_.exe"; $lnk = "$_.lnk"; @("$home\Desktop", "$env:AppData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup") | % { if(!(Test-Path -Path "$_\$lnk")) { New-Shortcut -Target $exe -Path $_; } } }
That's much handier for copy-pasting into a window, though most of this is going into my Grand Unified $PROFILE:
function New-Shortcut
param (
[string]$Target = $null,
[string]$Path = (Get-Location),
[object[]]$Arguments = @()
#region Massage -Target value
if (!$Target)
Write-warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) -Target not specified, required. Stopping.";
} # if (!$Target)
$_target = $Target;
if (Test-Path $_target)
$_target = (Resolve-Path $_target).ProviderPath;
} # if (Test-Path $_target)
elseif ($_target = (Get-Command $Target -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Path)
# no-op. negative logic is harder to read, hence this dead-end branch.
} # elseif ($_target = (Get-Command $Target -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Path)
Write-warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) -Target '$Target' not found. Stopping.";
} # if (Test-Path $_target)
#region Massage -Path value
$_path = $Path;
if ((Test-Path $_path) -and (Get-Item $_path).PsIsContainer)
$_path = Join-Path -Path $_path -ChildPath "$((Split-Path -Leaf $_target) -replace '\.[^\.]*$', '.lnk')";
} # if ((Test-Path $_path) -and (Get-Item $_path).PsIsContainer)
if ($_path -notmatch '\.lnk$')
$_path += ".lnk";
} # if ($_path -notmatch '\.lnk$')
if (Test-Path $_path)
$_path = (Resolve-Path $_path).ProviderPath;
Write-Warning "$() -Target '$Target' -Path '$path' resolves path to '$_path', which exists. Stopping.";
} # if (Test-Path $_path)
md $_path | Out-Null;
$_path = (Resolve-Path $_path).ProviderPath;
rm $_path;
} # if (Test-Path $_path)
#region make the shortcut
$shortcut = (New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell).CreateShortcut($_path);
$shortcut.TargetPath = $_target;
if ($Arguments.Count)
$shortcut.Arguments = $arguments;
} # if ($Arguments.Count)
if (Test-Path $_path)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black "$_path created";
} # if (Test-Path $Path)
Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) -Target '$Target' -Path '$Path' failed to create file '$_path'.";
} # if (Test-Path $Path) ... else
} # function New-Shortcut