One-Liner: Left-Padding a String with Zeroes
Yesterday’s post had a little bit of sleight-of-hand involved. For the IPv4 address to UInt64 conversion to work, each octet had to be converted into an 8-character string of ones and zeroes. However, [convert]::ToString($int, 2) doesn’t zero pad, and this is now a string, not an Int, so I can’t use .Net’s ToString() formatting line noise. This means that the last octet of is a single ‘0’, not an 8 character string. Instead, this is what I did:
$bits += (("0" * 7) + [convert]::ToString($_,2)) -replace '.*(.{8})$', "`$1";
I prepend 7 zeroes to by the string returned by ToString($_,2). This means at even a single digit is now 8 characters long.
That’s great, but what if the octet’s value is 255, which is 8 ‘1’ character? That would make it 15 characters long, right?
Well, we only need the 8 starting from the right side. Originally, I tried casting it to [char[]], then taking elements out of the array with negative indexes. (You did know that $array[-1] returns the last element in the array? That wasn’t as easy to read as I’d like.
Instead, RegEx to the rescue. The RegEx pattern, ‘.*(.{8}$’, replaces all but the last 8 characters with nothing (removes them.) “(.{8}$” specified those last 8 characters from end-of-line (“^”). Search-and-replace in .NET seems to be designed by someone who hated Perl. It’s quite painful. Here, I say this because “`$1” is the way to specify “the matched string in the parenthesis.” ‘$1’ doesn’t work. It has to be “`$1”.