Check Out the New Windows Azure Hub on Channel 9

Several weeks ago we launched a new hub for Windows Azure on Channel 9. This hub will serve as an index and entry point for all video content related to Windows Azure. Since the launch we have already made progress on building a video library to help developers get started learning Windows Azure. Introduction videos have been created for core services like Mobile Services, Web Sites, Cloud Services, and SQL Databases. This page also features three video series: Cloud Cover, Web Camps TV, and Subscribe!. Finally, this page highlights videos that have been recorded at events like BUILD and TechEd.


Below you will find a list of the series that we have launched. More videos and series will be added at later dates.

Windows Azure Mobile Services

App development with a scalable and secure backend hosted in Windows Azure. Incorporate structured storage, user authentication and push notifications in minutes.

Windows Azure Media ServicesCreate, manage and distribute media in the cloud. This PaaS offering provides everything from encoding to content protection to streaming and analytics support.

Windows Azure Virtual Machines & Networking

Easily deploy and run Windows Server and Linux virtual machines. Migrate applications and infrastructure without changing existing code.

Windows Azure Web Sites

Quickly and easily deploy sites to a highly scalable cloud environment that allows you to start small and scale as traffic grows.

Use the languages and open source apps of your choice then deploy with FTP, Git and TFS. Easily integrate Windows Azure services like SQL Database, Caching, CDN and Storage.

Windows Azure Cloud Services

Create highly-available, infinitely scalable applications and services using a rich Platform as a Service (PaaS) environment. Support multi-tier scenarios, automated deployments and elastic scale.

Windows Azure Storage & SQL Database

Windows Azure offers multiple services to help manage your data in the cloud. SQL Database enables organizations to rapidly create, scale and extend applications into the cloud with familiar tools and the power of Microsoft SQL Server™ technology. Tables offer NoSQL capabilities at a low cost for applications with simple data access needs. Blobs provide inexpensive storage for data such as video, audio, and images.

Windows Azure Service Bus Tutorials

Service Bus is messaging infrastructure that sits between applications allowing them to exchange messages in a loosely coupled way for improved scale and resiliency.

As always, stay tuned to my twitter feed for Windows 8, Windows Azure and other Microsoft developer announcements, updates, and links: @clinted