IMicrosoftGraphOAuth2PermissionGrant.Scope Property


A space-separated list of the claim values for delegated permissions which should be included in access tokens for the resource application (the API). For example, openid User.Read GroupMember.Read.All. Each claim value should match the value field of one of the delegated permissions defined by the API, listed in the publishedPermissionScopes property of the resource service principal.

[Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Resources.MSGraph.Runtime.Info(Create=true, Description="A space-separated list of the claim values for delegated permissions which should be included in access tokens for the resource application (the API). For example, openid User.Read GroupMember.Read.All. Each claim value should match the value field of one of the delegated permissions defined by the API, listed in the publishedPermissionScopes property of the resource service principal.", PossibleTypes=new System.Type[] { typeof(System.String) }, Read=true, ReadOnly=false, Required=false, SerializedName="scope", Update=true)]
public string Scope { get; set; }
[<Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Resources.MSGraph.Runtime.Info(Create=true, Description="A space-separated list of the claim values for delegated permissions which should be included in access tokens for the resource application (the API). For example, openid User.Read GroupMember.Read.All. Each claim value should match the value field of one of the delegated permissions defined by the API, listed in the publishedPermissionScopes property of the resource service principal.", PossibleTypes=new System.Type[] { typeof(System.String) }, Read=true, ReadOnly=false, Required=false, SerializedName="scope", Update=true)>]
member this.Scope : string with get, set
Public Property Scope As String

Property Value


Applies to