IStorageAccountUpdateParameters.AllowCrossTenantReplication Property


Allow or disallow cross AAD tenant object replication. Set this property to true for new or existing accounts only if object replication policies will involve storage accounts in different AAD tenants. The default interpretation is false for new accounts to follow best security practices by default.

[Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Storage.Runtime.Info(Create=true, Description="Allow or disallow cross AAD tenant object replication. Set this property to true for new or existing accounts only if object replication policies will involve storage accounts in different AAD tenants. The default interpretation is false for new accounts to follow best security practices by default.", PossibleTypes=new System.Type[] { typeof(System.Boolean) }, Read=true, ReadOnly=false, Required=false, SerializedName="allowCrossTenantReplication", Update=true)]
public bool? AllowCrossTenantReplication { get; set; }
[<Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Storage.Runtime.Info(Create=true, Description="Allow or disallow cross AAD tenant object replication. Set this property to true for new or existing accounts only if object replication policies will involve storage accounts in different AAD tenants. The default interpretation is false for new accounts to follow best security practices by default.", PossibleTypes=new System.Type[] { typeof(System.Boolean) }, Read=true, ReadOnly=false, Required=false, SerializedName="allowCrossTenantReplication", Update=true)>]
member this.AllowCrossTenantReplication : Nullable<bool> with get, set
Public Property AllowCrossTenantReplication As Nullable(Of Boolean)

Property Value


Applies to