MemoryExtensions.TryWriteInterpolatedStringHandler Struct


Provides a handler used by the language compiler to format interpolated strings into character spans.

public: value class MemoryExtensions::TryWriteInterpolatedStringHandler
public ref struct MemoryExtensions.TryWriteInterpolatedStringHandler
type MemoryExtensions.TryWriteInterpolatedStringHandler = struct
Public Structure MemoryExtensions.TryWriteInterpolatedStringHandler


MemoryExtensions.TryWriteInterpolatedStringHandler(Int32, Int32, Span<Char>, Boolean)

Creates a handler used to write an interpolated string into a span of characters.

MemoryExtensions.TryWriteInterpolatedStringHandler(Int32, Int32, Span<Char>, IFormatProvider, Boolean)

Creates a handler used to write an interpolated string into a span of characters.


AppendFormatted(Object, Int32, String)

Writes the specified value to the handler.

AppendFormatted(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, Int32, String)

Writes the specified value to the handler.


Writes the specified value to the handler.

AppendFormatted(String, Int32, String)

Writes a specified value to the handler using a specified format string.


Writes the specified value to the handler.

AppendFormatted<T>(T, Int32, String)

Writes a specified value to the handler using a specified format string.

AppendFormatted<T>(T, Int32)

Writes the specified value to the handler.

AppendFormatted<T>(T, String)

Writes a specified value to the handler using a specified format string.


Writes the specified value to the handler.


Writes the specified string to the handler.

Applies to