IWSTrustChannelContract Interface


A service contract that defines the methods that wrap the Message-oriented operation contracts exposed by IWSTrustChannelContract.

public interface class IWSTrustChannelContract : System::ServiceModel::Security::IWSTrustContract
public interface IWSTrustChannelContract : System.ServiceModel.Security.IWSTrustContract
type IWSTrustChannelContract = interface
    interface IWSTrustContract
Public Interface IWSTrustChannelContract
Implements IWSTrustContract


BeginCancel(Message, AsyncCallback, Object)

The asynchronous begin method for the WS-Trust Cancel binding.

(Inherited from IWSTrustContract)
BeginCancel(RequestSecurityToken, AsyncCallback, Object)

Asynchronously sends a WS-Trust Cancel message to an endpoint.

BeginIssue(Message, AsyncCallback, Object)

The asynchronous begin method for the WS-Trust Issue binding.

(Inherited from IWSTrustContract)
BeginIssue(RequestSecurityToken, AsyncCallback, Object)

Asynchronously sends a WS-Trust Renew message to an endpoint.

BeginRenew(Message, AsyncCallback, Object)

The asynchronous begin method for the WS-Trust Renew binding.

(Inherited from IWSTrustContract)
BeginRenew(RequestSecurityToken, AsyncCallback, Object)

Asynchronously sends a WS-Trust Renew message to an endpoint.

BeginValidate(Message, AsyncCallback, Object)

The asynchronous begin method for the WS-Trust Validate binding.

(Inherited from IWSTrustContract)
BeginValidate(RequestSecurityToken, AsyncCallback, Object)

Asynchronously sends a WS-Trust Validate message to an endpoint.


The method for the WS-Trust Cancel binding.

(Inherited from IWSTrustContract)

Sends a WS-Trust Cancel message to an endpoint.

EndCancel(IAsyncResult, RequestSecurityTokenResponse)

Completes the asynchronous send operation initiated by a call to BeginCancel(RequestSecurityToken, AsyncCallback, Object).


The asynchronous end method for the WS-Trust Cancel binding.

(Inherited from IWSTrustContract)
EndIssue(IAsyncResult, RequestSecurityTokenResponse)

Completes the asynchronous send operation initiated by a call to BeginIssue(RequestSecurityToken, AsyncCallback, Object).


The asynchronous end method for the WS-Trust Issue binding.

(Inherited from IWSTrustContract)
EndRenew(IAsyncResult, RequestSecurityTokenResponse)

Completes the asynchronous send operation initiated by a call to BeginRenew(RequestSecurityToken, AsyncCallback, Object).


The asynchronous end method for the WS-Trust Renew binding.

(Inherited from IWSTrustContract)
EndValidate(IAsyncResult, RequestSecurityTokenResponse)

Completes the asynchronous send operation initiated by a call to BeginValidate(RequestSecurityToken, AsyncCallback, Object).


The asynchronous end method for the WS-Trust Validate binding.

(Inherited from IWSTrustContract)

The method for the WS-Trust Issue binding.

(Inherited from IWSTrustContract)
Issue(RequestSecurityToken, RequestSecurityTokenResponse)

Sends a WS-Trust Issue message to an endpoint STS.


Sends a WS-Trust Issue message to an endpoint STS.


The method for the WS-Trust Renew binding.

(Inherited from IWSTrustContract)

Sends a WS-Trust Renew message to an endpoint.


The method for the WS-Trust Validate binding.

(Inherited from IWSTrustContract)

Sends a WS-Trust Validate message to an endpoint.

Applies to