SiteMap スキーマ

以下は、インポート/エクスポート カスタマイズ ファイルの SiteMap 部分のスキーマ定義です。 これは、カスタマイズ ソリューション ファイルのスキーマから取り込まれています。 詳細: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement ソリューションを使った拡張機能のパッケージ化と配布 をご覧ください。

SiteMap スキーマ

スキーマの ZIP ファイルをダウンロードすると、Schemas\\SiteMap.xsd フォルダーにこのスキーマが見つかります。

スキーマ をダウンロードします。

<?xml version="1.0"?>  
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified"  
  <xs:include schemaLocation="SiteMapType.xsd" />  
  <xs:element name="SiteMap"  
    <xs:unique name="AreaIdMustBeUnique">  
      <xs:selector xpath="Area" />  
      <xs:field xpath="@Id" />  

SiteMap Type スキーマ

スキーマの ZIP ファイルをダウンロードすると、Schemas\\SiteMapType.xsd フォルダーにこのスキーマが見つかります。

スキーマ をダウンロードします。

<?xml version="1.0"?>  
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified"  
  <xs:simpleType name="LCIDType_SiteMap">  
    <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">  
      <xs:fractionDigits value="0"  
                         fixed="true" />  
      <xs:totalDigits value="4" />  
  <xs:complexType name="TitlesType_SiteMap">  
      <xs:element name="Title"  
          <xs:documentation>Specifies the text in a specific language to be displayed for the parent of the Titles element.</xs:documentation>  
          <xs:attribute name="LCID"  
                        use="required" >  
              <xs:documentation>A four digit Locale ID for the title.</xs:documentation>  
          <xs:attribute name="Title"  
                        use="required" >  
              <xs:documentation>Text to be displayed.</xs:documentation>  
  <xs:complexType name="DescriptionsType_SiteMap">  
      <xs:element name="Description"  
          <xs:documentation>Provides a description in a specific language for the parent of the Descriptions element. Descriptions appear in Microsoft CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook and Microsoft CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook with Offline Access clients.</xs:documentation>  
          <xs:attribute name="LCID"  
                        use="required" >  
              <xs:documentation>A four digit Locale ID for the title.</xs:documentation>  
          <xs:attribute name="Description"  
                        use="required" >  
              <xs:documentation>Text to be displayed.</xs:documentation>  
  <xs:complexType name ="SiteMapType">  
      <xs:documentation>Specifies the root node for the site map.</xs:documentation>  
      <xs:element name="Area"  
          <xs:documentation>Specifies an area that appears in the navigation pane.</xs:documentation>  
            <xs:element name="Titles"  
                        maxOccurs="1" >  
                <xs:documentation>Specifies a set of localizable Titles for the Area.</xs:documentation>  
            <xs:element name="Descriptions"  
                        maxOccurs="1" >  
                <xs:documentation>Specifies a set of localizable Descriptions for the Area.</xs:documentation>  
            <xs:element name="Group"  
                <xs:documentation>Specifies a group of subareas. Groups can be shown or hidden as defined by the area. Groups defined within the Workplace area can be marked as a user selectable profile. These profiles are available for users to select in their personal options.</xs:documentation>  
                  <xs:element name="Titles"  
                              maxOccurs="1" >  
                      <xs:documentation>Specifies a set of localizable Titles for the Group.</xs:documentation>  
                  <xs:element name="Descriptions"  
                              maxOccurs="1" >  
                      <xs:documentation>Specifies a set of localizable Descriptions for the SubArea.</xs:documentation>  
                  <xs:element name="SubArea"  
                      <xs:documentation>Specifies a navigation option within an Area. Defines what will be displayed in the main pane of the application when selected.</xs:documentation>  
                        <xs:element name="Titles"  
                                    maxOccurs="1" >  
                            <xs:documentation>Specifies a set of localizable Titles for the SubArea.</xs:documentation>  
                        <xs:element name="Descriptions"  
                                    maxOccurs="1" >  
                            <xs:documentation>Specifies a set of localizable Descriptions for the SubArea.</xs:documentation>  
                        <xs:element name="Privilege"  
                            <xs:documentation>Controls whether a subarea is displayed based on privileges available in any security roles assigned to the user.</xs:documentation>  
                            <xs:attribute name="Entity"  
                                          type="CRM_Entity_SiteMap" >  
                                <xs:documentation>Specifies the name of the entity to check privileges with.</xs:documentation>  
                            <xs:attribute name="Privilege"  
                                          type="CRM_PrivilegeId_SiteMap" >  
                                <xs:documentation>Specifies the privileges needed on the entity to display this subarea. </xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="Id"  
                                    use="required" >  
                          <xs:documentation>A unique identifier for this SubArea element.</xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="Title"  
                                    type="xs:string" >  
                          <xs:documentation>Deprecated. Use the SubArea/Titles/Title element instead.</xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="ResourceId"  
                                    type="xs:string" >  
                          <xs:documentation>For internal use only. Use the SubArea/Titles/Title element to set the text to display for this Group.</xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="Icon"  
                                    type="xs:string" >  
                          <xs:documentation>Specifies a URL for an 18x18 pixel image to display for the SubArea.</xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="OutlookShortcutIcon"  
                                    type="xs:string" >  
                          <xs:documentation>Specifies the icon to display in Microsoft CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook.</xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="Url"  
                                    type="xs:string" >  
                          <xs:documentation>Specifies a URL for a page to display in the main frame of the application when this subarea is selected.</xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="PassParams"  
                                    use="optional" >  
                          <xs:documentation>Specifies whether information about the organization and language context are passed to the URL.</xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="Client"  
                                    type="CRM_Client_SiteMap" >  
                          <xs:documentation>Specifies the client(s) that will display this SubArea.</xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="AvailableOffline"  
                                    type="xs:boolean" >  
                          <xs:documentation>Controls whether SubArea is available when a user is working offline with the Microsoft CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook with Offline Access client.</xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="CheckExtensionProperty"  
                                    type="xs:string" >  
                          <xs:documentation>Controls whether SubArea is available based on the extension property.</xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="Sku"  
                                    type="CRM_Sku_SiteMap" >  
                          <xs:documentation>Specifies the version(s) of Microsoft CRM that will display this SubArea.</xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="License"  
                                    type="CRM_License_SiteMap" >  
                      <xs:attribute name="Entity"  
                                    type="CRM_Entity_SiteMap" >  
                          <xs:documentation>Specifies the name for the entity. If a Url is not specified, the default view of the specified entity will be displayed.</xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="IntroducedVersion"  
                                    type="xs:string" >  
                          <xs:documentation>IntroducedVersion of the SubArea.</xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="Description"  
                                    type="xs:string" >  
                          <xs:documentation>Deprecated. Use the SubArea/Descriptions/Description element instead.</xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="DescriptionResourceId"  
                                    type="xs:string" >  
                          <xs:documentation>For internal use only. Use the SubArea/Descriptions/Description element instead.</xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="ToolTipResourseId"  
                                    type="xs:string" >  
                          <xs:documentation>For internal use only. Use the SubArea/Descriptions/Description element instead.</xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="GetStartedPanePath"  
                                    use="optional" >  
                          <xs:documentation>Specifies the path to the Get Started page for this subarea.</xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="GetStartedPanePathOutlook"  
                                    use="optional" >  
                          <xs:documentation>Specifies the path to the Get Started page for this subarea when Microsoft CRM for Outlook is in use.</xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="GetStartedPanePathAdmin"  
                                    use="optional" >  
                          <xs:documentation>Specifies the path to the Get Started page for this subarea if the user is logged in as an administrator. </xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="DefaultDashboard"  
                                    use="optional" >  
                          <xs:documentation>Specifies the GUID for default dashboard to be displayed for this subarea. </xs:documentation>  
                      <xs:attribute name="GetStartedPanePathAdminOutlook"  
                                    use="optional" >  
                          <xs:documentation>Specifies the path to the Get Started page for this subarea if the user is logged in as an administrator and Microsoft CRM for Outlook is in use.</xs:documentation>  
                <xs:attribute name="Id"  
                              use="required" >  
                    <xs:documentation>A unique identifier for this Group element.</xs:documentation>  
                <xs:attribute name="Title"  
                              type="xs:string" >  
                    <xs:documentation>Deprecated. Use the Group/Titles/Title element instead.</xs:documentation>  
                <xs:attribute name="Icon"  
                              type="xs:string" >  
                    <xs:documentation>Unused. It is not possible to display an icon for a group.</xs:documentation>  
                <xs:attribute name="Url"  
                              type="xs:string" >  
                      Specifies the URL to render for the Outlook folder that represents the Group in Microsoft CRM for Outlook.  
                <xs:attribute name="ResourceId"  
                              type="xs:string" >  
                    <xs:documentation>For internal use only. Use the Group/Titles/Title element to set the text to display for this Group.</xs:documentation>  
                <xs:attribute name="IsProfile"  
                              type="xs:boolean" >  
                    <xs:documentation>Controls whether this Group represents a user selectable Profile for the Workplace. This only applies for Groups within the Workplace Area.</xs:documentation>  
                <xs:attribute name="License"  
                              type="CRM_License_SiteMap" >  
                <xs:attribute name="IntroducedVersion"  
                              type="xs:string" >  
                    <xs:documentation>IntroducedVersion of the Group.</xs:documentation>  
                <xs:attribute name="Description"  
                              type="xs:string" >  
                    <xs:documentation>Deprecated. Use the Group/Descriptions/Description element instead.</xs:documentation>  
                <xs:attribute name="ToolTipResourseId"  
                              type="xs:string" >  
                    <xs:documentation>For internal use only. Use the Group/Descriptions/Description element instead.</xs:documentation>  
                <xs:attribute name="DescriptionResourceId"  
                              type="xs:string" >  
                    <xs:documentation>For internal use only. Use the Group/Descriptions/Description element instead.</xs:documentation>  
          <xs:attribute name="Id"  
                        use="required" >  
              <xs:documentation>A unique identifier for this Area element.</xs:documentation>  
          <xs:attribute name="Title"  
                        type="xs:string" >  
              <xs:documentation>Deprecated. Use the Area/Titles/Title element instead.</xs:documentation>  
          <xs:attribute name="ResourceId"  
                        type="xs:string" >  
              <xs:documentation>For internal use only. Use the Area/Titles/Title element to set the text to display for this Area.</xs:documentation>  
          <xs:attribute name="Icon"  
                        type="xs:string" >  
              <xs:documentation>Specifies a URL for a 24x24 pixel image to display for the Area.</xs:documentation>  
          <xs:attribute name="Url"  
                        type="xs:string" >  
              <xs:documentation>Specifies the Microsoft CRM for Outlook URL to render for the Outlook folder that represents the Area.</xs:documentation>  
          <xs:attribute name="ShowGroups"  
                        type="xs:boolean" >  
              <xs:documentation>Control whether Groups of SubAreas within this Area are shown in the Navigation pane.</xs:documentation>  
          <xs:attribute name="License"  
                        type="CRM_License_SiteMap" >  
          <xs:attribute name="IntroducedVersion"  
                        type="xs:string" >  
              <xs:documentation>IntroducedVersion of the Area node.</xs:documentation>  
          <xs:attribute name="Description"  
                        type="xs:string" >  
              <xs:documentation>Deprecated. Use the Area/Descriptions/Description element instead.</xs:documentation>  
          <xs:attribute name="ToolTipResourseId"  
                        type="xs:string" >  
              <xs:documentation>For internal use only. Use the Area/Descriptions/Description element instead.</xs:documentation>  
          <xs:attribute name="DescriptionResourceId"  
                        type="xs:string" >  
              <xs:documentation>For internal use only. Use the Area/Descriptions/Description element instead.</xs:documentation>  
        <xs:unique name="GroupIdMustBeUnique">  
          <xs:selector xpath="Group" />  
          <xs:field xpath="@Id" />  
    <xs:attribute name="IntroducedVersion"  
                  type="xs:string" >  
        <xs:documentation>Specifies the IntroducedVersion of sitemap.</xs:documentation>  
    <xs:attribute name="Url"  
                  type="xs:string" >  
        <xs:documentation>Specifies the Microsoft CRM URL for Microsoft Office Outlook to load.</xs:documentation>  
  <xs:simpleType name="CRM_Identifier_SiteMap">  
      <xs:documentation>Valid characters in this string are limited to: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and the underscore(_) character. Spaces are not allowed.</xs:documentation>  
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">  
      <xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z0-9_]+" />  
  <xs:simpleType name="CRM_Client_SiteMap">  
      <xs:documentation>Valid values include:  'All'(default value),'Outlook', 'Web', 'OutlookWorkstationClient', and 'OutlookLaptopClient'. Multiple values can be used as long as they are separated by a comma and do not contain spaces. </xs:documentation>  
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">  
      <xs:pattern value="((Outlook|Web|All|OutlookWorkstationClient|OutlookLaptopClient),?)+" />  
  <xs:simpleType name="CRM_Sku_SiteMap">  
      <xs:documentation>Valid values include: 'All'(default value), 'OnPremise', 'Live', and 'SPLA'. Multiple values can be used as long as they are separated by a comma and do not contain spaces.</xs:documentation>  
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">  
      <xs:pattern value="((All|OnPremise|Live|SPLA),?)+" />  
  <xs:simpleType name="CRM_License_SiteMap">  
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string" />  
  <xs:simpleType name="CRM_PrivilegeId_SiteMap">  
      <xs:documentation>Valid values include: 'Read', 'Write', 'Append', 'AppendTo', 'Create', 'Delete', 'Share', 'Assign', 'All', 'AllowQuickCampaign', and 'UseInternetMarketing'. Multiple values can be used as long as they are separated by a comma and do not contain spaces.</xs:documentation>  
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">  
      <xs:pattern value="((Read|Write|Append|AppendTo|Create|Delete|Share|Assign|All|AllowQuickCampaign|CreateEntity|ImportCustomization|UseInternetMarketing),?)+" />  
  <xs:simpleType name="CRM_Entity_SiteMap">  
      <xs:documentation>Valid Entity has length greater than 1.</xs:documentation>  
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">  
      <xs:minLength value="1"/>  


SiteMap を使用したアプリケーション ナビゲーションの変更
カスタマイズ ソリューション ファイルのスキーマ
カスタマイズ XML リファレンス