AccentColor |
The accent color entity. |
Address |
Represents an address. |
AddressBookPartyData |
Represents data returned by transaction service to help connect a party to a store address book. |
AddressFormattingInfo |
Represents information for formatting an address. |
AddressServiceConstants |
A collection of constant strings for the Address Service. |
Affiliation |
Represents a affiliation. |
AffiliationLoyaltyTier |
Represents the loyalty or affiliation identifiers. |
ApplyInterStateTaxIndia |
Represents a terminal. |
ARGBColor |
This class represents a color as seperate RGB values and an alpha value. |
AttributeBase |
Represents an attribute. |
AttributeBooleanValue |
Represents an attribute whose value is of type boolean. |
AttributeCategory |
Represents a category attribute. |
AttributeCurrencyValue |
Represents an attribute whose value is of type Currency. |
AttributeDateTimeOffsetValue |
Represents an attribute whose value is of type DateTimeOffset. |
AttributeFloatValue |
Represents an attribute whose value is of type Float. |
AttributeGroup |
Represents an attribute group. |
AttributeIntValue |
Represents an attribute whose value is of type Integer. |
AttributeNameTranslation |
Provides a translation for a name of attribute. |
AttributeProduct |
Represents a product attribute. |
AttributeRichMediaValue |
Represents an attribute whose value is rich media location. |
AttributeTextValue |
Represents an attribute whose value is of type text. |
AttributeValueBase |
Represents the base type for attributes with values. |
Barcode |
BarcodeMask |
Contains the properties of BarcodeMask. |
BarcodeMaskSegment |
BasePriceLine |
Price line representing just the item base price. |
ButtonGrid |
Represents a buttongrid. |
ButtonGridButton |
Represents a button on a buttongrid. |
ButtonGridZone |
The button grid zone entity. |
CardTokenInfo |
Represents the payment properties required for card authorization using card token. |
CardTypeInfo |
Contains properties to get and set the described member variables. |
Cart |
Represents a shopping cart. |
CartDeliveryPreferences |
Represents the delivery preferences available based on items in the cart. |
CartLine |
Represents a cart line. |
CartLineData |
Represents a single line item in a shopping cart. |
CartTenderLine |
CashDeclaration |
Represents a cash declaration. |
CatalogPriceGroup |
Represents a catalog price group. |
CatalogSearchCriteria |
Represents a query to retrieve catalogs as emitted by the client. |
Category |
Represents a category. |
CategoryNameTranslation |
Provides a translation for a name of category. |
ChangedProductsSearchCriteria |
ChangedProductsSearchResult |
Contains the result of a call to get the collection of changed products, including the new sync anchor. |
Channel |
Represents a channel. |
ChannelAttribute |
Represents a channel attribute. |
ChannelAttributeView |
Represents a row in ChannelAttributeView view. |
ChannelCategoryAttribute |
Represents a channel category attribute. |
ChannelConfiguration |
Represents the current channel configuration. |
ChannelLanguage |
Represents a channel language. |
ChannelPriceConfiguration |
Channel price configuration. |
ChannelProfile |
Represents a channel profile. |
ChannelProfileProperty |
Represents a single property of the channel profile. |
ChannelProperty |
Represents a single property of the channel. |
ChargeConfiguration |
Represents an auto-charge configuration rule. |
ChargeConfigurationHeader |
This class is used as a filter API for specifying which auto charge configurations will be retrieved from the DB. Auto-charge headers have account, item, and delivery mode settings on them. Any type here which is not set to 'None' will be used as a filter for retrieving any charge configurations which meet that criteria. For example: Setting AccountType=All, ItemType=Item, ItemRelation="1000", will retrieve all auto-charges for any customer on item 1000. |
ChargeLine |
Represents a taxable charge line. |
CityInfo |
Represents a city. |
CommerceClaimType |
Represents the Claim type. |
CommerceEntity |
Represents the base object for all Commerce entities. |
CommerceEntityChangeTrackingInformation |
Represents a employee activities. |
CommerceEntityDataExtensions |
Provides additional extensions methods to CommerceEntity and its successors. |
CommerceEntityExtensions |
Provides additional extensions methods to CommerceEntity and its successors. |
CommerceEntitySearch |
Represents the search criteria of a query for commerce entities. |
CommerceEntitySearchResult<T> |
Base class for search result. |
CommerceList |
Represents a commerce list. |
CommerceListLine |
Represents a commerce list line. |
CommerceProperty |
Represents the Commerce property definition. |
CommercePropertyValue |
Represents the common commerce property value. |
CommerceRoles |
Represents the type of logon type. |
ComponentKitVariantSet |
Represents the association between a component product and the list of kit variants it is contained in. |
ConnectionRequest |
Connect to Retail Server request. |
ContactInfo |
Represents a contact information. |
ContactInformation |
Represents the contact information data. |
CountryRegionInfo |
Represents a country/region. |
CountyInfo |
Represents a county. |
CreateHardwareStationTokenResult |
Represents the activation result for a specific device. |
CreditMemo |
Presents a credit memo. |
Currency |
Represents a currency type. |
CurrencyAmount |
Represents a channel currency amount. |
CurrencyRequest |
Represents a currency input amount to be converted. |
Customer |
Represents a customer. |
CustomerAffiliation |
Represents a customer affiliation. |
CustomerBalances |
CustomerGroup |
Customer group crt entity for custgroup table. |
CustomerLoyaltyCard |
Represents a customer loyalty card. |
CustomerSearchCriteria |
The search criteria to search customers. |
DataModelExtensions |
Data adapter class to conver SDK objects to AX objects for usage in the Retail Transaction Service. |
DeliveryOption |
Represents a delivery option. |
Device |
Represents a device. |
DeviceActivationResult |
Represents the activation result for a specific device. |
DeviceConfiguration |
The device configuration entity. |
DiscountCode |
Represents the link between a discount code, discount offer, and barcode. |
DiscountInvalidatedNotification |
Indicates that a line Item's discount amount has changed between two separate calls to pricing sub system. |
DiscountLine |
A discount amount to attach to sales lines |
DiscountLinesQueryCriteria |
Represents criteria for querying discount lines. |
DistrictInfo |
Represents a district. |
DropAndDeclareTransaction |
Represents tender drop and declare operation. |
Employee |
Represents a employee. |
EmployeeActivity |
Represents a employee activities. |
EmployeeActivitySearchCriteria |
Represents a query to retrieve employee timeclock activities. |
EmployeePermissions |
Represents employee permissions. |
EmptyInventoryUnitOfMeasureNotification |
Indicates that no inventory unit of measure for the given item were found. |
EmptyLineDeliveryOptionSetNotification |
Indicates that no delivery option for the given sales line were found. |
EmptyOrderDeliveryOptionSetNotification |
Indicates that no delivery option for the given sales order were found. |
EmptyProductDeliveryOptionSetNotification |
Indicates that no delivery option for the given product were found. |
EmptySalesUnitOfMeasureNotification |
Indicates that no sales unit of measure for the given sales line were found. |
EntityTypeCache |
This class keeps the results of entity type reflection. |
ExchangeRate |
Represents an exchange rate between two currencies. |
FormulaIndia |
Represents a tax code formula. |
GetButtonGridsByIdsCriteria |
Criteria object for retrieving one or multiple buttongrids at a time. |
GiftCard |
Presents a gift card. |
GlobalCustomer |
This class wraps the indivdual entities returned from a customer search. |
HardwareProfile |
The hardware profile entity. |
HardwareProfileCashDrawer |
The hardware profile cash drawer entity. |
HardwareProfileCashDrawerPoolDevice |
The hardware profile drawer pool device entity. |
HardwareProfilePrinter |
The hardware profile printer entity. |
HardwareProfileScanner |
The hardware profile scanner entity. |
ImageZone |
The image zone entity. |
IncomeExpenseAccount |
Represents a income / expense line. |
IncomeExpenseLine |
Represents a income / expense line. |
InsufficientQuantityAvailableNotification |
Indicates that not enough quantity available for the given sales line. |
InvalidPriceNotification |
Represents the scenario where a price for the specified item could not be retrieved. |
InvalidShippingAddressNotification |
Indicates that an invalid address was given and shipping service could not valid it. |
InvalidTaxGroupNotification |
Indicates that Tax service was unable to find an associated sales tax group for the given shipping address. |
InventoryNotFoundNotification |
Indicates that no inventory for the given sales line were found. |
Item |
Represents an item. |
ItemAvailabilitiesQueryCriteria |
Represents criteria for querying item availability information. Each constructor represents specific call to the data layer. |
ItemAvailability |
Represents an item availablity. |
ItemAvailableQuantity |
Represents an item availablity. |
ItemAvailableStore |
Represents an item availability. |
ItemBarcode |
Represents an item and assocaited barcode information. |
ItemDimensions |
Represents dimensions of an item. |
ItemIdNotFoundInInventoryNotification |
Indicates that the itemId not found in inventory database when attempting to reserve the item. |
ItemMaxRetailPriceIndia |
Represents an item and its max retail price. |
ItemOutOfStockNotification |
Indicates quantity at hand for a particular items is zero or less. |
ItemQuantity |
Represents an item and quantity combination. |
ItemReservation |
Represents an item reservation. |
ItemUnit |
Represents an item and unit of measure combination. |
ItemUnitConversion |
Represents an item and unit of measure conversion combination. |
ItemUnitQuantity |
Represents an item and quantity (with unit of measure) combination. |
ItemVariantInventoryDimension |
Represents an item and variant inventory dimension combination. |
ItemWarehouse |
Represents an item and warehouse combination. |
KitComponent |
Represents a kit component or substitute , i.e. contains information about a product used in a kit , either as a component or substitute, and its 'kit related' properties like unit and quantity of the product as used in a kit line. |
KitComponentKey |
Represents a Kit component's productId and its position (kitLineIdentifier) as it appears in the kitdefinition. |
KitConfigToComponentAssociation |
Represents the association between the products contained in a kit variant and the kit variant, i.e. contains information about the product used in a kit variant, as a constituent, and its 'kit related' properties like quantity and unit of the product used in a kit variant line. |
KitDefinition |
Represents kit related information of a product which is kit. |
KitLineDefinition |
Represents property of a kit. |
KitLineProductProperty |
Represents the kit related properties of products used in a kit as components or substitutes. |
KitLineProductPropertyDictionary |
Represents the kit related properties of products used in a kit line as a component or substitute, keyed by the productId. |
KitTransaction |
Represents a kit (disassembly) transaction operation. |
KitTransactionLine |
Represents a kit (disassembly) transaction line. |
KitVariantContent |
Represents the content of a kit variant. |
KitVariantToComponentDictionary |
Represents a collection of KitVariantContent indexed by the kit variant Ids. |
LineDeliveryPreference |
Models the delivery preference types applicable to the provided sales line identifier. |
LineDeliveryPreferenceTypeRecord |
Models a single delivery preference type with a single line identifier. This is used only for accessing the database. |
LinkedProduct |
Represents a linked Product. |
ListingPublishStatus |
Represents the publishing status of a listing. |
LocalizedString |
Represents a localized string for use in client applications. |
LoyaltyCard |
Presents a loyalty card. |
LoyaltyCardTier |
Presents a loyalty card tier. A loyalty card may belong to a loyalty group (i.e. the default loyalty tier), or a specific loyalty tier. |
LoyaltyCardTransaction |
Presents a loyalty card. |
LoyaltyGroup |
Presents a loyalty group which may or may not contain a list of loyalty tiers. |
LoyaltyRewardPoint |
Presents a loyalty card. |
LoyaltyRewardPointLine |
Represents a transaction line for the loyalty reward points. |
LoyaltyRewardPointLinesQueryCriteria |
Represents criteria for querying loyalty reward point lines. |
LoyaltySchemeLineEarn |
Presents a loyalty scheme line for earning reward points. |
LoyaltySchemeLineRedeem |
Presents a loyalty scheme line for redeeming reward points. |
LoyaltyTier |
Presents a loyalty tier. |
MissingLineShippingInfoNotification |
Indicates that one or more lines are missing required shipping information. |
MixAndMatchLineGroup |
Represents line group configuration for a mix and match offer. |
NameValuePair |
Class representing a Map (name/value pair) item passed to AX in the transaction service. |
NonSalesTransaction |
Represents drawer entry operation - declare start amount/ float entry / tender removal. |
Notification |
Notification base class. |
NumberSequenceSeedData |
Represents number sequence seed data. |
NumberSequenceSeedTypeHelper |
Helper class to map number sequence seed type values. |
OfflineDatabaseChunk |
Represents an offline database chunk. |
OfflineSyncStatsLine |
Represents an OfflineSyncStatsLine. |
OfflineSyncStatsQueryCriteria |
Represents criteria for querying offline sync statistics line. |
OnlineChannel |
Represents an online channel. |
OperationPermission |
Represents an operation associated with a permission. |
OrgUnit |
Represents a organization unit. |
OrgUnitAvailability |
Represents a organization unit availability. |
OrgUnitContact |
Represents a organization unit contact information. |
OrgUnitLocation |
Represents a organization unit location. |
PagingInfo |
Encapsulates data necessary to page through queries. |
PaymentCard |
Represents a payment instrument by card. |
PaymentCardBase |
Represents the base class of payment instrument by card. |
PaymentConnectorConfiguration |
Holds the merchant data for a payment connector. |
PeriodicDiscount |
Represents a retail discount configuration rule. |
PickingList |
The picking list entity. Used in picking and receiving flow. |
PickingListLine |
The entity for picking list line. |
PriceAdjustment |
Represents a price adjustment rule. |
PriceAdjustmentPriceLine |
Price line representing a price adjustment on a item. Could be more than one of these. |
PriceChangedNotification |
Indicates that price is changed for a particular lineItem in the cart. |
PriceGroup |
Represents a price group. |
PriceLine |
Represents a potential source and configuration of a line's price. |
PriceParameters |
Represents configuration flags for activating various trade agreement types and combinations. |
Printer |
The commerce entity for printers. |
Product |
Represents a product. |
ProductAttributeSchemaEntry |
Represents the attribute schema of a product. |
ProductAvailableQuantity |
Represent the available quantity of a product. |
ProductCatalog |
Represents a product catalog. |
ProductCatalogAssociation |
Represents an association of a product to a catalog. |
ProductCategoryAssociation |
Represents an association of a product to a category. |
ProductChangeTrackingAnchorSet |
Represents the product set of anchors per data source. |
ProductChangeTrackingInformation |
Represents the content of a master or kit product. |
ProductCompositionInformation |
Represents the content of a master or kit product. |
ProductDimensionDictionary |
Represents the dimensions of a product, keyed by their unique property names. |
ProductDimensionSet |
Represents a set of dimensions of a product, keyed by their unique property names. |
ProductDimensionValueDictionary |
Represents an association of a dimension's value and the set of variants which have this value. |
ProductDimensionValueSet |
Represents the dimensions of a product, keyed by their unique property names. |
ProductDiscontinuedFromChannelNotification |
Indicates that an item is not sold through the current channel. |
ProductExistenceCriteria |
Represents criteria to be used while issuing VerifyProductExistence calls. |
ProductExistenceId |
Represents a composite ID of a listing. |
ProductIdentity |
Represents the identity of a product. |
ProductLookupClause |
Represents a multi-part product search criteria. |
ProductMasterPageNotification |
Notifies to show product master page for the given product id. |
ProductPrice |
Represents the product price data. |
ProductProperty |
Encapsulates information about a product property. |
ProductPropertyDictionary |
Represents the properties of a product, keyed by their unique property names. |
ProductPropertySchema |
Represents all the properties of a product. |
ProductPropertyTranslation |
Represents one language translations of a product's properties. |
ProductPropertyTranslationDictionary |
Represents the translations of a product's properties, keyed by the languages identifier. |
ProductRefiner |
Represents a product refiner. |
ProductRefinerValue |
Represents a product refiner value. |
ProductRules |
Represents the rule set governing the behavior of a product. |
ProductSearchCriteria |
Represents a query to retrieve products as emitted by the client. |
ProductSearchResult |
Represents the response to a query for Product objects. |
ProductToKitVariantDictionary |
Represents a collection of KitLineProductToVariantMaps indexed by the productIds used in the variants. |
ProductVariant |
Represents a variant of a product with size, color, style, and config dimensions. Also has information about the legal entity the variant is in. |
ProductVariantDictionary |
Represents a product's variants, keyed on the variant id. |
ProductVariantInformation |
Represents the information comprising the variant of a product. |
ProductVariantPropertyDictionary |
Represents all the properties of a given product and its eventual variants, keyed by their unique product identifiers. |
ProductVariantPropertySet |
Represents one language translations of a product's properties. |
ProjectionDomain |
Represents the context where a Retail operation takes place (e.g. the catalog and channel identifiers). |
PropertyColumnPair |
Represents a mapping between PropertyInfo and ColumnAttribute. |
PurchaseOrder |
The purchase order entity. Used in picking and receiving flow. |
PurchaseOrderLine |
The entity for purchase order line. |
QuantityDiscountLevel |
Defines a threshold level for a quantity discount. |
QueryResultSettings |
Encapsulates the properties used when determining the output of a query. |
ReadChangedProductsSession |
Represents a session needed to read changed products. |
ReadOnlyAttribute |
Annotates that a property is read-only outside commerce runtime. |
ReasonCode |
The reason code entity. |
ReasonCodeLine |
Reprensents a reason code line. |
ReasonCodeRequiredNotification |
Indicates there are reason codes required. |
ReasonCodeRequirement |
The reason code requirement entity. |
ReasonCodeSettings |
The reason code settings type. Represents the reason code settings in the functionality profile. |
ReasonCodeSpecific |
The reason code specific entity. |
ReasonSubCode |
The reason sub code entity. |
Receipt |
The commerce entity for the receipt. Will be used in print and email scenarios. |
ReceiptHeaderInfoIndia |
Represents India receipt header info. |
ReceiptHeaderTaxInfoIndia |
Represents a tax info. |
ReceiptInfo |
The class containing additional required information about the receipt. |
ReceiptItemInfo |
The class to describe various propertis and formattings of varibles used to print a receipt. |
ReceiptMask |
Represents the format of a receipt. |
ReceiptProfile |
The class describing a receipt profile. |
RelatedProduct |
Represents a related Product. |
ReportConfiguration |
Represents configuration of a report. |
ReportDataSet |
Represents an object used to retrieve a report dataset. |
ReportRow |
Represents an object used to retrieve a report row. |
ReportZone |
The report zone entity. |
RequestTypeCache |
This class keeps the results of request type reflection. |
RetailCategoryMember |
Contains information about the products or variants that belong to a specific category. |
RetailDiscount |
Represents a retail discount configuration. |
RetailDiscountLine |
Represents a retail discount line configuration. |
RetailDiscountPriceGroup |
Represents a retail discount price group. |
RetailImage |
Represents a retail image. |
RetailTransactionPaymentSchema |
DataManager class for Payment transactions. |
ReturnLabelContent |
Represents return label properties. |
RichMediaLocations |
RichMediaLocationsRichMediaLocation |
SalesAffiliationLoyaltyTier |
Represents sales affiliation or loyalty tier data. |
SalesInvoice |
Represents a customer invoice journal. |
SalesInvoiceLine |
Represents a customer invoice transaction. |
SalesLine |
Represents a channel agnostic sales line. |
SalesLineDeliveryOption |
Represents the delivery options applicable for sales line. |
SalesLineShippingRate |
Container for SalesLineId and the cost of shipping the items in it. |
SalesLinesQueryCriteria |
Represents criteria for querying sales lines. |
SalesOrder |
Sales order class |
SalesOrderSearchCriteria |
Request for getting the sales order by the receipt identifier. |
SalesParameters |
Represents a sales prameter. |
SalesTaxGroup |
Represents a single row in destination-based tax filters table. |
SalesTransaction |
Represents a channel agnostic sales transaction. |
SalesTransactionData |
Sales transaction database representation. |
ScanInfo |
Encapsulates scanning information used to retrieve the barcode scanned details. |
SearchArea |
Represents an area centered at a geographic coordinate with a given radius. |
SearchStoreCriteria |
Represents a query to retrieve stores. |
Shift |
Class represents a Shift. |
ShiftAccountLine |
Class represents a Shift account line. |
ShiftDataQueryCriteria |
Represents criteria for querying shift information. |
ShiftTenderLine |
Class represents a Shift tender line. |
Shipment |
Contains details of a packing slip. |
ShipmentLine |
Encapsulates details of a packing slip line. |
ShipmentLineMapping |
Class that represents a mapping between a sales line and a packing slip line. |
ShipmentProgress |
Container for shipping progress details of a shipment. |
ShipmentPublishingStatus |
Class that represents the publishing status of the a shipment on a channel. |
ShipmentsContainer |
Represents the container for shipments. |
ShippingAdapterConfig |
Represents an entry in the shipper carrier account configuration view. |
ShippingRateInfo |
Container for all the shipment specific information necessary to get shipping charges from a carrier. |
SortColumn |
Represents a column used as part of an order by clause. |
SortingInfo |
Encapsulates column information necessary to sort queries. |
StateProvinceInfo |
Represents a state/province. |
StockCountJournal |
StockCountJournal entity class, it contains the properties mapped to RetailStockCountJournal table in RetailServer. |
StockCountJournalTransaction |
StockCountJournalTransaction entity class, it contains the properties mapped to RetailStockCount table in RetailServer. |
SupportedLanguage |
Represents a supported language. |
TaxableItem |
Common interface for taxable entities. |
TaxCodeInterval |
Represents a tax code interval. |
TaxCodeIntervalIndia |
Represents a tax code interval. |
TaxCodeUnit |
Represents a tax code unit. |
TaxComponentIndia |
Represents the tax component. |
TaxLine |
Represents a tax line. |
TaxLineIndia |
Represents an India tax line. |
TaxOverride |
Represents the tax override. |
TaxParameters |
Represents the tax parameter. |
TaxSummarySettingIndia |
Represents a terminal. |
TaxViewLine |
Represents the tax view line. This class contains tax summary information of TaxLine. |
TenderDetail |
Represents a tender line. |
TenderLine |
Represents a tender line. |
TenderLineBase |
Represents a tender line. |
TenderType |
Represents a tender type. |
Terminal |
Represents a terminal. |
TextValueTranslation |
Provides a translation for a text value. |
ThresholdDiscountTier |
Defines a threshold tier for threshold discount. |
TillLayout |
The layout entity. |
TillLayoutExtensions |
Provides helper methods for till layout. |
TimeZoneExtensions |
The TimeZoneExtensions class. |
TimeZoneInterval |
Represents a Time Zone Record type. |
TokenizedPaymentCard |
Represents a payment instrument by tokenized card. |
TrackingConfig |
Encapsulates a set of tracking numbers with the corresponding shipping adapter's config. |
TrackingInfo |
Contains carrier specific tracking details of shipment. |
TradeAgreement |
Represents trade agreement configuration rule. |
TradeAgreementPriceLine |
Price line representing just the result of trade agreement price search. |
Transaction |
Represents a channel agnostic transaction. |
TransactionLog |
Represents a channel agnostic transaction. |
TransactionProperty |
Represents a persistent property for a transaction. |
TransactionServiceProfile |
Represents the transaction service profile. |
TransferOrder |
Commerce entity for transfer order. Will be used in picking and receiving flow. |
TransferOrderLine |
The entity for transfer order line. |
TypeCache |
Base class to cache reflection data by Type. |
TypeCacheManager<T> |
Manages the EntityTypeCache classes that allows reflection on entity types to be done only once. |
UnableToConvertUnitOfMeasureNotification |
Indicates that unable to convert quantity between unit of measures for an item. |
UnableToDetermineQuantityForStoresNotification |
Indicates that quantity can not be retrieved for certain store-item combination from inventory database. |
UnableToDetermineQuantityNotification |
Indicates that quantity can not be retrieved from inventory database. |
UnableToResolveListingIdsNotification |
Encapsulates listing identifiers that could not be resolved into item and variant details. |
UnableToRetrieveStoresNotification |
Indicates that the stores nearby can not be identified by the store locator service. |
UnitOfMeasure |
Represents unit of measure (e.g. Feet, pounds, pieces, etc). |
UnitOfMeasureConversion |
Represents a unit of measure conversion. |
ValidateHardwareStationTokenResult |
Represents the activation result for a specific device. |
ValidationPeriod |
Represents an advanced retail periodic discount validity configuration. |
WarehouseDetails |
Encapsulates details of a warehouse with a specific identifier. |
Weight |
Represents the weight of a package. |
ZipCodeInfo |
Represents a zip/postal code. |
ZoneReference |
The zone reference entity. |