ExcelScript.NamedItemType enum
* This script looks for every named range with "Review" in the name
* and marks the range with a yellow fill.
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
// Look at every named item in the workbook.
workbook.getNames().forEach((namedItem) => {
// Find names containing "Review".
if (namedItem.getName().includes("Review")) {
// Only change the fill color if the named item is a range (not a formula).
let itemType: ExcelScript.NamedItemType = namedItem.getType();
if (itemType === ExcelScript.NamedItemType.range) {
// Set the range's fill color to yellow.
array | |
boolean | |
double | |
error | |
integer | |
range | |
string |
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Office Scripts