Word.ImageFormat enum


[ API セット: WordApiDesktop 1.1 ]

// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/word/15-images/insert-and-get-pictures.yaml

// Gets the first image in the document.
await Word.run(async (context) => {
  const firstPicture: Word.InlinePicture = context.document.body.inlinePictures.getFirst();
  firstPicture.load("width, height, imageFormat");

  await context.sync();
  console.log(`Image dimensions: ${firstPicture.width} x ${firstPicture.height}`, `Image format: ${firstPicture.imageFormat}`);
  // Get the image encoded as Base64.
  const base64 = firstPicture.getBase64ImageSrc();

  await context.sync();


bmp = "Bmp"
emf = "Emf"
exif = "Exif"
gif = "Gif"
icon = "Icon"
jpeg = "Jpeg"
pdf = "Pdf"
pict = "Pict"
png = "Png"
svg = "Svg"
tiff = "Tiff"
undefined = "Undefined"
unsupported = "Unsupported"
wmf = "Wmf"