interface ICoreWebView2WebMessageReceivedEventArgs


This reference is no longer being maintained. For the latest API reference, see WebView2 API Reference.

interface ICoreWebView2WebMessageReceivedEventArgs
  : public IUnknown

Event args for the WebMessageReceived event.


Members Descriptions
get_Source The URI of the document that sent this web message.
get_WebMessageAsJson The message posted from the WebView content to the host converted to a JSON string.
TryGetWebMessageAsString If the message posted from the WebView content to the host is a string type, this method returns the value of that string.

Applies to

Product Introduced
WebView2 Win32 0.9.430
WebView2 Win32 Prerelease 0.9.488



The URI of the document that sent this web message.

public HRESULT get_Source(LPWSTR * value)

The caller must free the returned string with CoTaskMemFree. See API Conventions.


The message posted from the WebView content to the host converted to a JSON string.

public HRESULT get_WebMessageAsJson(LPWSTR * value)

Run this operation to communicate using JavaScript objects.

For example, the following postMessage runs result in the following WebMessageAsJson values.

postMessage({'a': 'b'})      L"{\"a\": \"b\"}"
postMessage(1.2)             L"1.2"
postMessage('example')       L"\"example\""

The caller must free the returned string with CoTaskMemFree. See API Conventions.


If the message posted from the WebView content to the host is a string type, this method returns the value of that string.

public HRESULT TryGetWebMessageAsString(LPWSTR * value)

If the message posted is some other kind of JavaScript type this method fails with the following error.


Run this operation to communicate using simple strings.

For example, the following postMessage runs result in the following WebMessageAsString values.

postMessage({'a': 'b'})      E_INVALIDARG
postMessage(1.2)             E_INVALIDARG
postMessage('example')       L"example"