R_DnssrvUpdateRecord3 (Opnum 10)
The R_DnssrvUpdateRecord3 method is used to add a new DNS record or modify or delete an existing DNS record in a zone or in a zone scope, or in a cache zone or cache scope, if specified. The DNS server SHOULD<284> implement R_DnssrvUpdateRecord3.
All parameters are as specified by the methods R_DnssrvUpdateRecord (section and R_DnssrvUpdateRecord2 (section with the following exceptions:
LONG R_DnssrvUpdateRecord3( [in] handle_t hBindingHandle, [in] DWORD dwClientVersion, [in] DWORD dwSettingFlags, [in, unique, string] LPCWSTR pwszServerName, [in, unique, string] LPCSTR pszZone, [in, unique, string] LPCWSTR pwszZoneScope, [in, string] LPCSTR pszNodeName, [in, unique] PDNS_RPC_RECORD pAddRecord, [in, unique] PDNS_RPC_RECORD pDeleteRecord );
pwszZoneScope: A pointer to a null-terminated character string that contains the name of the zone scope or cache scope inside the zone to be queried. For operations specific to a particular zone scope or cache scope, this field MUST contain the name of the zone scope or cache scope. If the value is NULL, the API gives the same behavior as R_DnssrvUpdateRecord2.
When processing this call, the server MUST perform the same actions as for the R_DnssrvUpdateRecord2 method.