The structure used to describe a public key in a Proprietary Certificate (section
1 |
2 |
3 |
magic |
keylen |
bitlen |
datalen |
pubExp |
modulus (variable) |
... |
magic (4 bytes): A 32-bit, unsigned integer. The sentinel value. This field MUST be set to 0x31415352.
keylen (4 bytes): A 32-bit, unsigned integer. The size in bytes of the modulus field. This value is directly related to the bitlen field and MUST be ((bitlen / 8) + 8) bytes.
bitlen (4 bytes): A 32-bit, unsigned integer. The number of bits in the public key modulus.
datalen (4 bytes): A 32-bit, unsigned integer. The maximum number of bytes that can be encoded using the public key. This value is directly related to the bitlen field and MUST be ((bitlen / 8) - 1) bytes.
pubExp (4 bytes): A 32-bit, unsigned integer. The public exponent of the public key.
modulus (variable): A variable-length array of bytes containing the public key modulus. The length in bytes of this field is given by the keylen field. The modulus field contains all (bitlen / 8) bytes of the public key modulus and 8 bytes of zero padding (which MUST follow after the modulus bytes).