QueueItem テーブル/エンティティの参照
テーブルとエンティティの違いについて不明な点がありますか? 開発者: Microsoft Dataverse の用語を理解するを参照してください。
A specific item in a queue, such as a case record or an activity record.
メッセージ | Web API 操作 | SDK クラスまたはメソッド |
AddToQueue | AddToQueue Action | AddToQueueRequest |
Create | POST [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/queueitems 作成を参照 |
CreateRequest または Create |
Delete | DELETE [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/queueitems(queueitemid) 削除を参照 |
DeleteRequest または Delete |
PickFromQueue | PickFromQueue Action | PickFromQueueRequest |
ReleaseToQueue | ReleaseToQueue Action | ReleaseToQueueRequest |
RemoveFromQueue | RemoveFromQueue Action | RemoveFromQueueRequest |
Retrieve | GET [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/queueitems(queueitemid) 取得を参照 |
RetrieveRequest または Retrieve |
RetrieveMultiple | GET [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/queueitems データのクエリを参照 |
RetrieveMultipleRequest または RetrieveMultiple |
RouteTo | RouteTo Action | RouteToRequest |
SetState | PATCH [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/queueitems(queueitemid)statecode と statuscode のプロパティを更新する。 |
SetStateRequest |
Update | PATCH [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/queueitems(queueitemid) 更新を参照 |
UpdateRequest または Update |
プロパティ | 値 |
CollectionSchemaName | QueueItems |
DisplayCollectionName | Queue Items |
DisplayName | Queue Item |
EntitySetName | queueitems |
IsBPFEntity | False |
LogicalCollectionName | queueitems |
LogicalName | queueitem |
OwnershipType | None |
PrimaryIdAttribute | queueitemid |
PrimaryNameAttribute | title |
SchemaName | QueueItem |
これらの列/属性は IsValidForCreate または IsValidForUpdate のいずれかについて true を返します (通常は両方)。 SchemaName が一覧表示。
- ImportSequenceNumber
- ObjectId
- ObjectIdTypeCode
- OverriddenCreatedOn
- Priority
- QueueId
- QueueItemId
- Sender
- State
- StateCode
- Status
- StatusCode
- TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber
- Title
- ToRecipients
- TransactionCurrencyId
- UTCConversionTimeZoneCode
- WorkerId
- WorkerIdType
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
DisplayName | Import Sequence Number |
Format | None |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
IsValidForUpdate | False |
LogicalName | importsequencenumber |
MaxValue | 2147483647 |
MinValue | -2147483648 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Integer |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Choose the activity, case, or article assigned to the queue. |
DisplayName | Object |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
IsValidForUpdate | False |
LogicalName | objectid |
RequiredLevel | ApplicationRequired |
Targets | activitypointer,adx_inviteredemption,adx_portalcomment,appointment,chat,email,fax,knowledgearticle,letter,msdyn_knowledgearticletemplate,phonecall,recurringappointmentmaster,socialactivity,task |
Type | Lookup |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | |
DisplayName | Regarding Object Type |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
IsValidForUpdate | False |
LogicalName | objectidtypecode |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | EntityName |
プロパティ | 値 |
DateTimeBehavior | UserLocal |
Description | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
DisplayName | Record Created On |
Format | DateOnly |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
IsValidForUpdate | False |
LogicalName | overriddencreatedon |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | DateTime |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Priority of the queue item. |
DisplayName | Priority |
Format | None |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | priority |
MaxValue | 1000000000 |
MinValue | 0 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Integer |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Choose the queue that the item is assigned to. |
DisplayName | Queue |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
IsValidForUpdate | False |
LogicalName | queueid |
RequiredLevel | ApplicationRequired |
Targets | queue |
Type | Lookup |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Unique identifier of the queue item. |
DisplayName | Queue Item |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
IsValidForUpdate | False |
LogicalName | queueitemid |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Uniqueidentifier |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Sender who created the queue item. |
DisplayName | From |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | sender |
MaxLength | 250 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Status of the queue item. |
DisplayName | Status (deprecated) |
Format | None |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | state |
MaxValue | 1000000000 |
MinValue | 0 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Integer |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Shows whether the queue record is active or inactive. Inactive queue records are read-only and can't be edited unless they are reactivated. |
DisplayName | Status |
IsValidForCreate | False |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | statecode |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | State |
StateCode の選択肢/オプション
値 | ラベル | 既定の状態 | 不変名 |
0 | Active | 1 | Active |
1 | Inactive | 2 | Inactive |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Reason for the status of the queue item. |
DisplayName | Status Reason (deprecated) |
Format | None |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | status |
MaxValue | 1000000000 |
MinValue | 0 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Integer |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Select the item's status. |
DisplayName | Status Reason |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | statuscode |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Status |
StatusCode の選択肢/オプション
値 | ラベル | 状態 |
1 | Active | 0 |
2 | Inactive | 1 |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | For internal use only. |
DisplayName | Time Zone Rule Version Number |
Format | None |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | timezoneruleversionnumber |
MaxValue | 2147483647 |
MinValue | -1 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Integer |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Shows the title or name that describes the queue record. This value is copied from the record that was assigned to the queue. |
DisplayName | Title |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | title |
MaxLength | 850 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Recipients listed on the To line of the message for email queue items. |
DisplayName | To |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | torecipients |
MaxLength | 500 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Choose the local currency for the record to make sure budgets are reported in the correct currency. |
DisplayName | Currency |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | transactioncurrencyid |
RequiredLevel | None |
Targets | transactioncurrency |
Type | Lookup |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
DisplayName | UTC Conversion Time Zone Code |
Format | None |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | utcconversiontimezonecode |
MaxValue | 2147483647 |
MinValue | -1 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Integer |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Shows who is working on the queue item. |
DisplayName | Worked By |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | workerid |
RequiredLevel | None |
Targets | systemuser,team |
Type | Lookup |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | |
DisplayName | Worker Type |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | workeridtype |
RequiredLevel | ApplicationRequired |
Type | EntityName |
これらの列/属性は IsValidForCreate または IsValidForUpdate の両方について false を返します。 SchemaName が一覧表示。
- CreatedBy
- CreatedByName
- CreatedByYomiName
- CreatedOn
- CreatedOnBehalfBy
- CreatedOnBehalfByName
- CreatedOnBehalfByYomiName
- EnteredOn
- ExchangeRate
- ModifiedBy
- ModifiedByName
- ModifiedByYomiName
- ModifiedOn
- ModifiedOnBehalfBy
- ModifiedOnBehalfByName
- ModifiedOnBehalfByYomiName
- ObjectIdName
- ObjectTypeCode
- OrganizationId
- OrganizationIdName
- OwnerId
- OwnerIdType
- OwningBusinessUnit
- OwningUser
- QueueIdName
- TransactionCurrencyIdName
- VersionNumber
- WorkerIdModifiedOn
- WorkerIdName
- WorkerIdYomiName
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Shows who created the record. |
DisplayName | Created By |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | createdby |
RequiredLevel | None |
Targets | systemuser |
Type | Lookup |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | createdbyname |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | createdbyyominame |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
プロパティ | 値 |
DateTimeBehavior | UserLocal |
Description | Shows the date and time when the record was created. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics 365 options. |
DisplayName | Created On |
Format | DateAndTime |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | createdon |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | DateTime |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Shows who created the record on behalf of another user. |
DisplayName | Created By (Delegate) |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | createdonbehalfby |
RequiredLevel | None |
Targets | systemuser |
Type | Lookup |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | createdonbehalfbyname |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | createdonbehalfbyyominame |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
プロパティ | 値 |
DateTimeBehavior | UserLocal |
Description | Shows the date the record was assigned to the queue. |
DisplayName | Entered Queue |
Format | DateAndTime |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | enteredon |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | DateTime |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Shows the conversion rate of the record's currency. The exchange rate is used to convert all money fields in the record from the local currency to the system's default currency. |
DisplayName | Exchange Rate |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | exchangerate |
MaxValue | 100000000000 |
MinValue | 0.000000000001 |
Precision | 12 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Decimal |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Shows who last updated the record. |
DisplayName | Modified By |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | modifiedby |
RequiredLevel | None |
Targets | systemuser |
Type | Lookup |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | modifiedbyname |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | modifiedbyyominame |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
プロパティ | 値 |
DateTimeBehavior | UserLocal |
Description | Shows the date and time when the record was last updated. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics 365 options. |
DisplayName | Modified On |
Format | DateAndTime |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | modifiedon |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | DateTime |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the queueitem. |
DisplayName | Modified By (Delegate) |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | modifiedonbehalfby |
RequiredLevel | None |
Targets | systemuser |
Type | Lookup |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | modifiedonbehalfbyname |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | modifiedonbehalfbyyominame |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | objectidname |
MaxLength | 800 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Select the type of the queue item, such as activity, case, or appointment. |
DisplayName | Type |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | objecttypecode |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Picklist |
ObjectTypeCode の選択肢/オプション
値 | ラベル | 内容 |
4200 | Activity | Task performed, or to be performed, by a user. An activity is any action for which an entry can be made on a calendar. |
4201 | Appointment | Commitment representing a time interval with start/end times and duration. |
4202 | Activity that is delivered using email protocols. | |
4204 | Fax | Activity that tracks call outcome and number of pages for a fax and optionally stores an electronic copy of the document. |
4207 | Letter | Activity that tracks the delivery of a letter. The activity can contain the electronic copy of the letter. |
4210 | Phone Call | Activity to track a telephone call. |
4212 | Task | Generic activity representing work needed to be done. |
4216 | Social Activity | For internal use only. |
4251 | Recurring Appointment | The Master appointment of a recurring appointment series. |
9953 | Knowledge Article | Organizational knowledge for internal and external use. |
10139 | Teams chat | For internal use only. Entity which stores association data of Dynamics 365 records with Microsoft Teams chat |
10155 | Knowledge Article Template | Organizational Knowledge Article Template for Internal and external creation of Knowledge Articles. |
10270 | Invite Redemption | Holds information about the redemption of an invite. |
10271 | Portal Comment | An activity which is used to share information between the user and the customer on the portal. |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Unique identifier of the organization with which the queue item is associated. |
DisplayName | Organization |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | organizationid |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Targets | organization |
Type | Lookup |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | organizationidname |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | String |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the queue item. |
DisplayName | Owner |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | ownerid |
RequiredLevel | ApplicationRequired |
Targets | systemuser,team |
Type | Owner |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | owneridtype |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | EntityName |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the queue item. |
DisplayName | Owning Business Unit |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | owningbusinessunit |
RequiredLevel | ApplicationRequired |
Targets | businessunit |
Type | Lookup |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Unique identifier of the user who owns the queue item. |
DisplayName | Owning User |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | owninguser |
RequiredLevel | ApplicationRequired |
Targets | systemuser |
Type | Lookup |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | queueidname |
MaxLength | 400 |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | String |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | transactioncurrencyidname |
MaxLength | 100 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | Version number of the queue item. |
DisplayName | Version Number |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | versionnumber |
MaxValue | 9223372036854775807 |
MinValue | -9223372036854775808 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | BigInt |
プロパティ | 値 |
DateTimeBehavior | UserLocal |
Description | Shows the date and time when the queue item was last assigned to a user. |
DisplayName | Worked On |
Format | DateOnly |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | workeridmodifiedon |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | DateTime |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | workeridname |
MaxLength | 160 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
プロパティ | 値 |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
FormatName | Text |
IsLocalizable | False |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | workeridyominame |
MaxLength | 160 |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | String |
SchemaName が一覧表示。
- QueueItem_AsyncOperations
- QueueItem_SyncErrors
- QueueItem_BulkDeleteFailures
- queueitem_principalobjectattributeaccess
- QueueItem_ProcessSessions
asyncoperation テーブル/エンティティの多対一のリレーションシップ QueueItem_AsyncOperations と同じです。
プロパティ | 値 |
ReferencingEntity | asyncoperation |
ReferencingAttribute | regardingobjectid |
IsHierarchical | False |
IsCustomizable | False |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | QueueItem_AsyncOperations |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: Order: |
CascadeConfiguration | Assign: NoCascade Delete: NoCascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
syncerror テーブル/エンティティの多対一のリレーションシップ QueueItem_SyncErrors と同じです。
プロパティ | 値 |
ReferencingEntity | syncerror |
ReferencingAttribute | regardingobjectid |
IsHierarchical | False |
IsCustomizable | True |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | QueueItem_SyncErrors |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: Order: |
CascadeConfiguration | Assign: Cascade Delete: Cascade Merge: Cascade Reparent: Cascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
bulkdeletefailure テーブル/エンティティの多対一のリレーションシップ QueueItem_BulkDeleteFailures と同じです。
プロパティ | 値 |
ReferencingEntity | bulkdeletefailure |
ReferencingAttribute | regardingobjectid |
IsHierarchical | False |
IsCustomizable | False |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | QueueItem_BulkDeleteFailures |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: Order: |
CascadeConfiguration | Assign: NoCascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
principalobjectattributeaccess テーブル/エンティティの多対一のリレーションシップ queueitem_principalobjectattributeaccess と同じです。
プロパティ | 値 |
ReferencingEntity | principalobjectattributeaccess |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
IsHierarchical | False |
IsCustomizable | False |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | queueitem_principalobjectattributeaccess |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: Order: |
CascadeConfiguration | Assign: NoCascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
processsession テーブル/エンティティの多対一のリレーションシップ QueueItem_ProcessSessions と同じです。
プロパティ | 値 |
ReferencingEntity | processsession |
ReferencingAttribute | regardingobjectid |
IsHierarchical | False |
IsCustomizable | False |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | QueueItem_ProcessSessions |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | Behavior: UseCollectionName Group: Details Label: Order: 110 |
CascadeConfiguration | Assign: NoCascade Delete: NoCascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
各多対一の関係付けは、関連するテーブルとの対応する一対多の関係付けによって定義されます。 SchemaName が一覧表示。
- knowledgearticle_QueueItems
- lk_queueitem_createdonbehalfby
- lk_queueitembase_workerid
- ActivityPointer_QueueItem
- queue_entries
- lk_queueitembase_createdby
- organization_queueitems
- TransactionCurrency_QueueItem
- Appointment_QueueItem
- Fax_QueueItem
- team_queueitembase_workerid
- Email_QueueItem
- SocialActivity_QueueItem
- lk_queueitem_modifiedonbehalfby
- PhoneCall_QueueItem
- Task_QueueItem
- RecurringAppointmentMaster_QueueItem
- Letter_QueueItem
- lk_queueitembase_modifiedby
- chat_QueueItems
- msdyn_knowledgearticletemplate_QueueItems
- adx_inviteredemption_QueueItems
- adx_portalcomment_QueueItems
knowledgearticle テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ knowledgearticle_QueueItems を参照してください。
systemuser テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ lk_queueitem_createdonbehalfby を参照してください。
systemuser テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ lk_queueitembase_workerid を参照してください。
activitypointer テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ ActivityPointer_QueueItem を参照してください。
queue テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ queue_entries を参照してください。
systemuser テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ lk_queueitembase_createdby を参照してください。
organization テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ organization_queueitems を参照してください。
transactioncurrency テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ TransactionCurrency_QueueItem を参照してください。
appointment テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ Appointment_QueueItem を参照してください。
fax テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ Fax_QueueItem を参照してください。
team テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ team_queueitembase_workerid を参照してください。
email テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ Email_QueueItem を参照してください。
socialactivity テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ SocialActivity_QueueItem を参照してください。
systemuser テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ lk_queueitem_modifiedonbehalfby を参照してください。
phonecall テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ PhoneCall_QueueItem を参照してください。
task テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ Task_QueueItem を参照してください。
recurringappointmentmaster テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ RecurringAppointmentMaster_QueueItem を参照してください。
letter テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ Letter_QueueItem を参照してください。
systemuser テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ lk_queueitembase_modifiedby を参照してください。
追加元 : Activities Patch ソリューション
chat テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ chat_QueueItems を参照してください。
追加元 : Knowledge Management Features ソリューション
msdyn_knowledgearticletemplate テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ msdyn_knowledgearticletemplate_QueueItems を参照してください。
追加元 : Active Solution ソリューション
adx_inviteredemption テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ adx_inviteredemption_QueueItems を参照してください。
追加元 : Active Solution ソリューション
adx_portalcomment テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ adx_portalcomment_QueueItems を参照してください。