PromoCodeLookupDate Property

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

Gets or sets the date and time when the promo code was last validated or reserved.

Namespace:  Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders
Assembly:  Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime (in Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.dll)


Public Property PromoCodeLookupDate As DateTime
Dim instance As PromoCodeRecord
Dim value As DateTime

value = instance.PromoCodeLookupDate

instance.PromoCodeLookupDate = value
public DateTime PromoCodeLookupDate { get; set; }
property DateTime PromoCodeLookupDate {
    DateTime get ();
    void set (DateTime value);
public function get PromoCodeLookupDate () : DateTime
public function set PromoCodeLookupDate (value : DateTime)

Property Value

Type: System..::.DateTime
A DateTime containing the date and time when the promo code was last validated or reserved.


Stores the date and time when the promo code was last validated or reserved. This date is in local time of the server.

The Marketing system determines this timestamp.

PromoCodeLookupDate is calculated during execution of the pipeline that contains the PromoCode Pipeline component. Typically, the Basket pipeline will contain this component.

When PromoCodeLookupDate or other DateTime fields are marshalled across to COM or loaded back from the computer that is running SQL Server, the resolution at which the comparison is done has to be lower than that with TickCount.


See Also


PromoCodeRecord Class

PromoCodeRecord Members

Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders Namespace