Source Element

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

The Source element specifies the site whose business data is to be exported during the staging process.

Put the Source element within the BusinessDataProjectProperties element.

The following table lists the attributes of the Source element.


Data Type




Name of the site from which data is to be exported.


The Source site is relevant only when the Role element is set to either Source or SourceAndDestination.


The following example specifies the StarterSite as the source whose business data is to be staged.

<BusinessDataProjectProperties xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" BusinessProjectName="">
  <BusinessProjectHeader MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1" Revision="1" Build="1" /> 
    <!-- business data project configuration settings -->

See Also

Other Resources

How to Stage Business Data

Business Data Staging Options

BusinessDataProjectProperties Element

Role Element

CSS Business Data XML Configuration File Syntax Elements