Type Property

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

Gets or sets the type of the DisplayProperty object.

Namespace:  Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing
Assembly:  Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing.CrossTierTypes (in Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing.CrossTierTypes.dll)


Public Property Type As DisplayPropertyType
Dim instance As DisplayProperty
Dim value As DisplayPropertyType

value = instance.Type

instance.Type = value
public DisplayPropertyType Type { get; set; }
property DisplayPropertyType Type {
    DisplayPropertyType get ();
    void set (DisplayPropertyType value);
public function get Type () : DisplayPropertyType
public function set Type (value : DisplayPropertyType)

Property Value

Type: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing..::.DisplayPropertyType
The type of input field and validation to use for this property in the UI.


Describes how this display property is represented in the UI. If the type is NoUI then Label, Order, and IsRequired properties can be ignored

The DisplayPropertyType enumeration value is:

  • NoUI - This display property has no UI appearance.

  • Number - This display property is presented as number.

  • Text - This display property is presented as text.

  • TextArea - This display property is presented as text box.


See Also


DisplayProperty Class

DisplayProperty Members

Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing Namespace