CatalogPropertiesDataSet Constructor

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Initializes a new instance of the CatalogPropertiesDataSet class.

Overload List

  Name Description
ms986732.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif CatalogPropertiesDataSet()()() Initializes a new instance of the CatalogPropertiesDataSet class.
ms986732.protmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif CatalogPropertiesDataSet(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Initializes a new instance of the CatalogPropertiesDataSet class with the specified serialization and streaming context information.



The CatalogPropertiesDataSet exposes the CatalogProperties values of the CatalogPropertiesDataSet..::.CatalogPropertiesDataTable table.

There are thirty one columns in the table:

  • AssignAll

  • BuiltIn

  • Currency

  • DataType

  • DefaultBooleanValue

  • DefaultCurrencyValue

  • DefaultDateTimeValue

  • DefaultDoubleValue

  • DefaultIntegerValue

  • DefaultStringValue

  • DisplayAsBase

  • DisplayInProductsList

  • DisplayName

  • DisplayOnSite

  • ExportToDW

  • IncludeInSpecSearch

  • IsFreeTextSearchable

  • IsRequired

  • LanguageSensitive

  • MaximumCurrencyValue

  • MaximumDateTimeValue

  • MaximumDoubleValue

  • MaximumIntegerValue

  • MaximumStringLength

  • MinimumCurrencyValue

  • MinimumDateTimeValue

  • MinimumDoubleValue

  • MinimumIntegerValue

  • MinimumStringLength

  • PropertyName

  • TimeStamp

See Also


CatalogPropertiesDataSet Class

CatalogPropertiesDataSet Members

Microsoft.CommerceServer.Catalog Namespace