TestList Property

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Gets or sets the test mailing list for this DirectMail.

Namespace:  Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing
Assembly:  Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing.CrossTierTypes (in Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing.CrossTierTypes.dll)


Public Property TestList As StaticList
Dim instance As DirectMail
Dim value As StaticList

value = instance.TestList

instance.TestList = value
public StaticList TestList { get; set; }
property StaticList^ TestList {
    StaticList^ get ();
    void set (StaticList^ value);
public function get TestList () : StaticList
public function set TestList (value : StaticList)

Property Value

Type: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing..::.StaticList
A StaticList object which is used by the Test method. This property may be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).


Stores the list containing the recipients to whom this mailing will be sent for testing purpose. When DirectMail sends out a test message, using Test, the recipients within this test list gets e-mail.


See Also


DirectMail Class

DirectMail Members

Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing Namespace