ReceiveSecurityFilter.RouteRequest Method

Gets the Web service method to which the specified SOAP message should be routed.

Namespace: Microsoft.Web.Services3.Security
Assembly: Microsoft.Web.Services3 (in microsoft.web.services3.dll)


Dim envelope As SoapEnvelope
Dim returnValue As SoapServerMethod
Dim receiveSecurityFilter1 As ReceiveSecurityFilter
returnValue = receiveSecurityFilter1.RouteRequest(envelope)


Public Overridable Function RouteRequest( _
    ByVal envelope As SoapEnvelope _
) As SoapServerMethod
public virtual SoapServerMethod RouteRequest(
    SoapEnvelope envelope
virtual SoapServerMethod^ RouteRequest(
    SoapEnvelope^ envelope
public virtual SoapServerMethod RouteRequest(
    SoapEnvelope envelope
public function RouteRequest(
     envelope : SoapEnvelope
) : SoapServerMethod;


  • envelope
    A SoapEnvelope that represents the SOAP message to which the SOAP message should be routed.

Return Value

A System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapServerMethod that represents the Web service method that the SOAP message should be routed.


Use the RouteRequest method to determine whether the filtered SOAP message should be dispatched to the application code for the Web service or a method on the SOAP filter itself. Certain incoming SOAP messages are not intended to be handled by a Web service, but rather by the SOAP filter instead. For example, security token requests and responses (RST or RSTR) are not intended to be handled by the Web service application code, but rather by the filter or infrastructure code.

When WSE receives a SOAP message, it calls the RouteRequest method to determine whether the SOAP message is an infrastructure SOAP message or an application SOAP message. For infrastructure messages, the RouteRequest should return the name of the method to process the SOAP message. For application messages, the RouteRequest method must return null, which indicates that the SOAP request should be dispatched to the application code for the Web service. The default implementation returns null.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.


Development Platforms

Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Advanced Server

Target Platforms

See Also


ReceiveSecurityFilter Class
ReceiveSecurityFilter Members
Microsoft.Web.Services3.Security Namespace