Metadata Interfaces
Describes the unmanaged interfaces that provide access to the metadata exposed by the .NET Framework types, methods, fields, and so on.
In This Section
- ICeeGen Interface
Provides methods for dynamic code compilation.
- ICorModule Interface
Provides storages for the IID values for ICeeGen and IMetaDataEmit implementations, and creates instances of the preferred generator and emitter.
- IHostFilter Interface
Provides a method for the run-time host to mark metadata tokens for processing.
- IMapToken Interface
Provides mapping capabilities between imported and emitted metadata signatures.
- IMetaDataAssemblyEmit Interface
Provides methods that support the self-description model used by the common language runtime (CLR) to resolve and consume resources.
- IMetaDataAssemblyImport Interface
Provides methods to access and examine the contents of an assembly manifest.
- IMetaDataConverter Interface
Provides methods to map type libraries to their metadata signatures, and to convert from one to the other.
- IMetaDataDispenser Interface
IMetaDataDispenser is obsolete. Use IMetaDataDispenserEx instead.
- IMetaDataDispenserEx Interface
Provides methods that map areas of memory for creating or modifying metadata.
- IMetaDataEmit Interface
Provides methods to create, modify and store metadata about the assembly in the currently defined scope.
- IMetaDataEmit2 Interface
Provides methods for defining and modifying the metadata signatures of methods and constructors with parameters of type System.Type.
- IMetaDataError Interface
Provides a callback mechanism for reporting errors during the resolution of the metadata signature for an assembly.
- IMetaDataFilter Interface
Provides methods for marking and filtering metadata tokens to avoid repeating actions that have already been taken.
- IMetaDataImport Interface
Provides methods for importing and manipulating types from other assemblies.
- IMetaDataImport2 Interface
Extends IMetaDataImport to provide the capability of working with generic types.
- IMetaDataTables Interface
Provides methods for the storage and retrieval of metadata information in tables.
- IMetaDataTables2 Interface
Extends IMetaDataTables to include methods for working with metadata streams.
- IMetaDataValidate Interface
Provides methods to use for validation of metadata signatures.
- INativeImageDependency Interface
Provides methods to synchronize dependencies of managed assemblies with their native counterparts.
- INativeImageEvaluate Interface
Provides a callback method to determine whether native images can be used by the CLR.
- INativeImageInstallInfo Interface
Provides methods to allow callers to get and cache information about a native image. This interface allows direct binding to the native image, rather than through a corresponding managed assembly.
Related Sections
Diagnostics Symbol Store Interfaces
Enumerations (Unmanaged API Reference)
Global Static Functions (Unmanaged API Reference)
Structures (Unmanaged API Reference)