OrganizationServiceContextExtensions Class
Applies To: Dynamics CRM 2013
Extensions for the core OrganizationServiceContext class. (Developer Extensions)
Namespace: Microsoft.Xrm.Client.Messages
Assembly: Microsoft.Xrm.Client (in Microsoft.Xrm.Client.dll)
Inheritance Hierarchy
public static class OrganizationServiceContextExtensions
public ref class OrganizationServiceContextExtensions abstract sealed
type OrganizationServiceContextExtensions = class end
Public NotInheritable Class OrganizationServiceContextExtensions
Name | Description | |
AddItemCampaign(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid, String) | Adds an item to a campaign. The item added must be one of the following entity types: campaign, list, product, or salesliterature. (Developer Extensions) |
AddItemCampaignActivity(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid, String) | Adds an item to a campaign activity. (Developer Extensions) |
AddListMembersList(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid[]) | Adds a list of members to a list. (Developer Extensions) |
AddMemberList(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid) | Adds a member to a list. The member added must be one of the following entity types: account, contact, or lead. (Developer Extensions) |
AddMembersTeam(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid[]) | Adds members to a team. (Developer Extensions) |
AddPrivilegesRole(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Object) | Adds a set of existing privileges to an existing role. (Developer Extensions) |
AddProductToKit(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid) | Adds a product to a kit. (Developer Extensions) |
AddRecurrence(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity, Guid) | Adds recurrence information to an existing appointment to make it a recurring appointment master. (Developer Extensions) |
AddSolutionComponent(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Int32, String, Boolean) | Adds a solution component to an unmanaged solution. (Developer Extensions) |
AddSubstituteProduct(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid) | Deprecated. Establishes an association between a product and a substitute product. Use Associate. (Developer Extensions) |
AddToQueue(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, Guid, Guid, Entity) | Moves a record from a source queue to a destination queue. (Developer Extensions) |
Assign(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, EntityReference) | Assigns the specified record to a new security principal (user). This changes the ownerid attribute of the instance. (Developer Extensions) |
AssociateEntities(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, EntityReference, String) | Deprecated. Adds a link between two records in a many-to-many relationship. Use Associate. (Developer Extensions) |
AutoMapEntity(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Creates the attribute mappings between two entities. (Developer Extensions) |
BackgroundSendEmail<TResponse>(OrganizationServiceContext, QueryBase) | Sends an email asynchronously. (Developer Extensions) |
Book<TResult>(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity) | Schedules or "books" an appointment. (Developer Extensions) |
BulkDelete(OrganizationServiceContext, QueryExpression[], String, Boolean, Guid[], Guid[], String, DateTime, Nullable<Guid>) | Submits an asynchronous bulk delete job. (Developer Extensions) |
BulkDetectDuplicates(OrganizationServiceContext, QueryBase, String, Boolean, Guid, Guid[], Guid[], String, DateTime) | Submits an asynchronous duplicates detection job. (Developer Extensions) |
BulkOperationStatusClose(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) | For internal use only. (Developer Extensions) |
CalculateActualValueOpportunity(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Calculates the value of an opportunity that is in the "Won" state. (Developer Extensions) |
CalculateTotalTimeIncident(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Calculates the total number of minutes spent on an incident (case). (Developer Extensions) |
CancelContract(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, DateTime, OptionSetValue) | Cancels a contract. (Developer Extensions) |
CancelSalesOrder(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity, OptionSetValue) | Cancels a sales order. (Developer Extensions) |
CheckIncomingEmail<TResponse>(OrganizationServiceContext, String, String, String, String, String, String) | Checks whether the incoming email message is relevant to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system. (Developer Extensions) |
CheckPromoteEmail<TResponse>(OrganizationServiceContext, String, String) | Checks whether the incoming email message should be promoted to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system. (Developer Extensions) |
CleanUpBulkOperation(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Int32) | For internal use only. (Developer Extensions) |
CloneContract(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Boolean) | Copies an existing contract and its line items. (Developer Extensions) |
CloseIncident(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity, Int32) | Closes an incident (case). (Developer Extensions) |
CloseIncident(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity, OptionSetValue) | Closes an incident (case). (Developer Extensions) |
CloseQuote(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity, OptionSetValue) | Closes a quote. (Developer Extensions) |
CompoundCreate(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity, EntityCollection) | Deprecated. Creates a compound entity (salesorder, invoice, quote, or duplicaterule) and its related entity (salesorderdetail, invoicedetail, quotedetail, or duplicaterulecondition). Use Create. (Developer Extensions) |
CompoundUpdate(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity, EntityCollection) | Deprecated. Updates a compound record (salesorder, invoice, quote or duplicaterule) and its related detail record (salesorderdetail, invoicedetail, quotedetail or duplicaterulecondition). Use Update. (Developer Extensions) |
CompoundUpdateDuplicateDetectionRule(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity, EntityCollection) | Updates a duplicate rule (duplicate detection rule) and its related duplicate rule conditions. (Developer Extensions) |
ConvertKitToProduct(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Converts a kit to a product. (Developer Extensions) |
ConvertProductToKit(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Converts a product to a kit. (Developer Extensions) |
ConvertQuoteToSalesOrder(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, ColumnSet) | Converts a quote to a sales order. (Developer Extensions) |
ConvertSalesOrderToInvoice(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, ColumnSet) | Converts a sales order to an invoice. (Developer Extensions) |
CopyCampaign(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Boolean) | Copies a campaign. (Developer Extensions) |
CopyCampaignResponse(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference) | Copies the information from one campaign response to another, and optionally creates a campaign response template. (Developer Extensions) |
CopyDynamicListToStatic(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Creates a static list from the specified dynamic list and adds the members that satisfy the dynamic list query criteria to the static list. (Developer Extensions) |
CopyMembersList(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid) | Copies the members from the source list to the target list without creating duplicates. (Developer Extensions) |
CopySystemForm(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity, Guid) | Creates a new entity form that is based on an existing entity form. (Developer Extensions) |
CreateActivitiesList(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, String, Entity, Guid, Boolean, Object, EntityReference, Boolean, Boolean, Guid) | Creates the activities for a list. (Developer Extensions) |
CreateException(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity, DateTime, Boolean) | Creates an exception for the recurring appointment instance. (Developer Extensions) |
CreateInstance(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity, Int32) | Creates future unexpanded instances of a recurring appointment master. (Developer Extensions) |
CreateWorkflowFromTemplate(OrganizationServiceContext, String, Guid) | Creates a workflow from a workflow template. (Developer Extensions) |
DeleteAuditData(OrganizationServiceContext, DateTime) | Deletes all partitions containing audit data created before a given end date. (Developer Extensions) |
DeleteOpenInstances(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity, DateTime, Int32) | Deletes instances of a recurring appointment master that have an Open state. (Developer Extensions) |
DeliverIncomingEmail(OrganizationServiceContext, String, String, String, String, String, String, DateTime, String, String, String, EntityCollection) | Creates an email activity record from an incoming email message. (Developer Extensions) |
DeliverPromoteEmail(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, String, String, String, String, String, String, DateTime, String, String, String, EntityCollection, Entity) | Creates an email activity instance from the specified email message (Track in CRM). (Developer Extensions) |
DeprovisionLanguage(OrganizationServiceContext, Int32) | Deprovisions a language. (Developer Extensions) |
DisassociateEntities(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, EntityReference, String) | Deprecated. Removes a link between two records in a many to many relationship. Use Disassociate. (Developer Extensions) |
DistributeCampaignActivity(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Boolean, Entity, Guid, Object, EntityReference, Boolean, Guid) | Creates a bulk operation to distribute the activity, creating the appropriate activity for each member in the list for the specified campaign activity. (Developer Extensions) |
DownloadReportDefinition(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Downloads a report definition. (Developer Extensions) |
ExecuteByIdSavedQuery(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Executes a saved query (view) that has the specified ID. (Developer Extensions) |
ExecuteByIdUserQuery(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference) | Executes the user query (saved view) that has the specified ID. (Developer Extensions) |
ExecuteFetch(OrganizationServiceContext, String) | Deprecated. Executes the specified Fetch XML query. Use RetrieveMultiple. (Developer Extensions) |
ExecuteWorkflow(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid) | Executes a workflow. (Developer Extensions) |
ExpandCalendar<TResult>(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, DateTime, DateTime) | Converts the calendar rules to an array of available time blocks for the specified period. (Developer Extensions) |
ExportSolution(OrganizationServiceContext, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) | Exports a managed or unmanaged solution. (Developer Extensions) |
ExportTranslation(OrganizationServiceContext, String) | Exports all translations for a specific solution to a compressed file. (Developer Extensions) |
FetchXmlToQueryExpression(OrganizationServiceContext, String) | Converts a query in Fetch XML to a QueryExpression. (Developer Extensions) |
FindParentResourceGroup(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid[]) | Finds a parent resource group (scheduling group) for the specified resource groups (scheduling groups). (Developer Extensions) |
FulfillSalesOrder(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity, OptionSetValue) | Fulfills a sales order (order). (Developer Extensions) |
GenerateInvoiceFromOpportunity(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, ColumnSet) | Generates an invoice from an opportunity. (Developer Extensions) |
GenerateQuoteFromOpportunity(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, ColumnSet) | Generates a quote from an opportunity. (Developer Extensions) |
GenerateSalesOrderFromOpportunity(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, ColumnSet) | Generates a sales order from an opportunity. (Developer Extensions) |
GetAllTimeZonesWithDisplayName(OrganizationServiceContext, Int32) | Retrieves all the time-zone definitions for the specified locale returning only the display name attribute. (Developer Extensions) |
GetDecryptionKey(OrganizationServiceContext) | Gets a decryption key. (Developer Extensions) |
GetDistinctValuesImportFile(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Int32, Int32, Int32) | Returns distinct values for a column in the source file that contains list values. (Developer Extensions) |
GetHeaderColumnsImportFile(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Retrieves the source-file column headings, or system-generated column headings, if the source file does not contain column headings. (Developer Extensions) |
GetInvoiceProductsFromOpportunity(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid) | Retrieves the products from an opportunity and copies them to the specified invoice. (Developer Extensions) |
GetQuantityDecimal(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, Guid, Guid) | Gets the quantity decimal value for a product. (Developer Extensions) |
GetQuoteProductsFromOpportunity(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid) | Retrieves the products from an opportunity and copies them to the quote. (Developer Extensions) |
GetReportHistoryLimit(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Gets the history limit for a report. (Developer Extensions) |
GetSalesOrderProductsFromOpportunity(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid) | Retrieves the products from an opportunity and copies them to the sales order. (Developer Extensions) |
GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedName(OrganizationServiceContext, String, Int32) | Retrieves the time-zone code for the specified localized time-zone name. (Developer Extensions) |
GetTrackingTokenEmail(OrganizationServiceContext, String) | Returns a tracking token that can be then passed in as a parameter to the SendEmail method. (Developer Extensions) |
GrantAccess(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, Object) | Grants a security principal (user or team) access to the specified record. (Developer Extensions) |
ImportRecordsImport(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Imports XML mappings and creates an import data map. (Developer Extensions) |
ImportSolution(OrganizationServiceContext, Boolean, Boolean, Byte[], Guid) | Imports a managed or unmanaged solution. (Developer Extensions) |
ImportTranslation(OrganizationServiceContext, Byte[], Guid) | Imports all translations from a compressed file. (Developer Extensions) |
InitializeFrom(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, String, Object) | Initializes a new record from an existing record. (Developer Extensions) |
InstallSampleData(OrganizationServiceContext) | Installs sample data for an organization. (Developer Extensions) |
InstantiateFilters(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReferenceCollection, Guid) | Instantiates a filter. (Developer Extensions) |
InstantiateTemplate(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, String, Guid) | Creates an email message from a template. (Developer Extensions) |
IsBackOfficeInstalled(OrganizationServiceContext) | Deprecated. Checks if Microsoft Great Plains is installed. (Developer Extensions) |
IsComponentCustomizable(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Int32) | Determines whether a solution component is customizable. (Developer Extensions) |
IsValidStateTransition(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, String, Int32) | Checks to see if the state transition is valid. (Developer Extensions) |
LocalTimeFromUtcTime(OrganizationServiceContext, Int32, DateTime) | Retrieves the local time for the specified Universal Time Coordinate (UTC) time. (Developer Extensions) |
LockInvoicePricing(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Locks the total price of products and services specified in the invoice. When the invoice pricing is locked, changes to underlying price lists (price levels) do not affect the prices for an invoice. (Developer Extensions) |
LockSalesOrderPricing(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Locks the total price of products and services specified in the sales order (order). When the sales order pricing is locked, changes to underlying price lists (price levels) do not affect the prices for a sales order (order). (Developer Extensions) |
LogFailureBulkOperation(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid, Int32, Int32, String, String) | For internal use only. (Developer Extensions) |
LogSuccessBulkOperation(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid, Int32, Guid, Int32, String) | For internal use only. (Developer Extensions) |
LoseOpportunity(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity, Int32) | Sets the state of an opportunity to Lost. (Developer Extensions) |
LoseOpportunity(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity, OptionSetValue) | Sets the state of an opportunity to Lost. (Developer Extensions) |
MakeAvailableToOrganizationReport(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Deprecated. Makes the report available to all users in the organization. Use Update. (Developer Extensions) |
MakeAvailableToOrganizationTemplate(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Deprecated. Makes the specified email template available to the entire organization. Use Update. (Developer Extensions) |
MakeUnavailableToOrganizationReport(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Deprecated. Makes the report unavailable to all users in the organization. Use Update. (Developer Extensions) |
MakeUnavailableToOrganizationTemplate(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Deprecated. Makes the specified email template no longer available to the entire organization. Use Update. (Developer Extensions) |
Merge(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, Guid, Entity, Boolean) | Merges the information from two records of the same type. (Developer Extensions) |
ModifyAccess(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, Object) | Replaces the access rights on the target record for the specified security principal (user or team). (Developer Extensions) |
ParseImport(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Submits an asynchronous job that parses all import files associated with the specified data import (import). (Developer Extensions) |
ProcessInboundEmail(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Processes marketing campaign email responses. (Developer Extensions) |
ProcessOneMemberBulkOperation(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Entity, Int32) | For internal use only. (Developer Extensions) |
PropagateByExpression(OrganizationServiceContext, QueryBase, String, Boolean, Entity, Guid, Object, Boolean, EntityReference, Boolean, Guid) | Distributes an activity to a quick campaign. (Developer Extensions) |
ProvisionLanguage(OrganizationServiceContext, Int32) | Provisions a language. (Developer Extensions) |
PublishAllXml(OrganizationServiceContext) | Publishes all customizations. (Developer Extensions) |
PublishDuplicateRule(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Submits an asynchronous job to publish a duplicate rule. (Developer Extensions) |
PublishXml(OrganizationServiceContext, String) | Publishes the customizations for the specified entities. (Developer Extensions) |
QualifyLead(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, EntityReference, EntityReference, EntityReference, OptionSetValue) | Qualifies a lead and creates an account, contact, or opportunity records that are linked to the originating lead. (Developer Extensions) |
QualifyMemberList(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid[], Boolean) | Qualifies the specified member list and either overrides the list members or removes them according to the specified option. (Developer Extensions) |
QueryExpressionToFetchXml(OrganizationServiceContext, QueryBase) | Converts a query represented as a QueryExpression class to the equivalent query represented as FetchXML. (Developer Extensions) |
QueryMultipleSchedules<TResult>(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid[], DateTime, DateTime, Object) | Searches multiple resources for an available time slot matching the specified parameters. This is similar to the QuerySchedule<TResult> method but it works for multiple resources at one time. (Developer Extensions) |
QuerySchedule<TResult>(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, DateTime, DateTime, Object) | Searches the specified resource for an available time slot matching the specified parameters. (Developer Extensions) |
ReassignObjectsOwner(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, EntityReference) | Reassigns all records that are owned by the security principal (user or team) to another security principal (user or team). (Developer Extensions) |
ReassignObjectsSystemUser(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, EntityReference) | Reassigns all records that are owned by the user to another security principal (user or team). (Developer Extensions) |
Recalculate(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference) | Recalculates the rollup attribute values for all goals in the goal hierarchy that contain a specified goal. (Developer Extensions) |
RemoveItemCampaign(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid) | Removes an item from a campaign. (Developer Extensions) |
RemoveItemCampaignActivity(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid) | Removes an item from a campaign activity. (Developer Extensions) |
RemoveMemberList(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid) | Removes a member from a list. (Developer Extensions) |
RemoveMembersTeam(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid[]) | Removes members from a team. (Developer Extensions) |
RemoveParent(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference) | Removes the parent for a record. (Developer Extensions) |
RemovePrivilegeRole(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid) | Removes a privilege from an existing role. (Developer Extensions) |
RemoveProductFromKit(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid) | Removes a product from a kit. (Developer Extensions) |
RemoveRelated(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference[]) | Deprecated. Removes the relationship between two records as defined by the target classes listed below. For example, remove the relationship between an invoice and a contact. (Developer Extensions) |
RemoveSolutionComponent(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Int32, String) | Removes a solution component to an unmanaged solution. (Developer Extensions) |
RemoveSubstituteProduct(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid) | Deprecated. Removes the association between a product and a substitute product. Use Disassociate. (Developer Extensions) |
RenewContract(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Int32, Boolean) | Renews a contract. (Developer Extensions) |
ReplacePrivilegesRole(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Object) | Replaces the privilege set of an existing role. This effectively deletes all existing privileges from the role and adds the new specified privileges. (Developer Extensions) |
Reschedule<TResult>(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity) | Reschedules an appointment, service appointment or recurring appointment. (Developer Extensions) |
ResetUserFilters(OrganizationServiceContext, Int32) | Resets the offline data filters for the calling user to the default filters for the organization. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveAbsoluteAndSiteCollectionUrl<TResponse>(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference) | Retrieves the absolute (complete) URL and the site collection URL of a SharePoint document location or SharePoint site. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveAllChildUsersSystemUser(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, ColumnSet) | Retrieves a collection of system users who report to the specified system user. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveAllEntities(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityFilters, Boolean) | Retrieves the metadata for all entities. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveApplicationRibbon(OrganizationServiceContext) | Retrieves the core application ribbons including the entity template. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveAttribute(OrganizationServiceContext, String, String, Boolean) | Retrieves the metadata for the specified attribute. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveAttributeChangeHistory<TResult>(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, String, PagingInfo) | Retrieves all changes to a specific attribute. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveAuditDetails<TResult>(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Retrieves the full audit details of a particular audit record. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveAuditPartitionList<TResult>(OrganizationServiceContext) | Retrieves the list of auditing partitions. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveAvailableLanguages(OrganizationServiceContext) | Retrieves the list of available languages. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveBusinessHierarchyBusinessUnit(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, ColumnSet) | Retrieves all the business units in the business unit hierarchy. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveByGroupResource(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, QueryBase) | Retrieves all the resource groups to which the specified resource belongs. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveByResourceResourceGroup(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, QueryBase) | Retrieves the resource groups that contain the specified resource. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveByResourcesService(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid[], QueryBase) | Retrieves a collection of services related to the specified set of services. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveByTopIncidentProductKbArticle(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Retrieves the top ten knowledge base articles for the product specified. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveByTopIncidentSubjectKbArticle(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Retrieves the top ten knowledge base articles for the subject specified. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveDependenciesForDelete(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Int32) | Retrieves the dependencies for solution components that will prevent a solution component from being deleted. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveDependenciesForUninstall(OrganizationServiceContext, String) | Retrieves the dependencies for solution components that could prevent uninstalling a managed solution. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveDependentComponents(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Int32) | Retrieves all components that depend on the specified component. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveDeploymentLicenseType(OrganizationServiceContext) | Retrieves the type of license for a deployment of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveDeprovisionedLanguages(OrganizationServiceContext) | Retrieves the list of language packs installed on the server that have been disabled. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveDuplicates(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity, String, PagingInfo) | Detects and retrieves duplicate records for the specified record, provided duplicate detection is enabled and there are published duplicate detection rules for the entity. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveEntity(OrganizationServiceContext, String, EntityFilters, Boolean) | Retrieves the metadata for the specified entity. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveEntityRibbon(OrganizationServiceContext, String, Object) | Retrieves the ribbon definition used for a specific entity. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveExchangeRate(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Retrieves the exchange rate. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveFilteredForms(OrganizationServiceContext, String, OptionSetValue, Guid) | Retrieves the system forms for the specified user. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveFormattedImportJobResults(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Retrieves the formatted results from an import job. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveFormXml<TResponse>(OrganizationServiceContext, String) | For internal use only. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveInstalledLanguagePacks(OrganizationServiceContext) | Retrieves the list of language packs installed on the server. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveInstalledLanguagePackVersion(OrganizationServiceContext, Int32) | Retrieves the version of an installed language pack. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveLicenseInfo<TResponse>(OrganizationServiceContext, Int32) | Retrieves the number of licenses for a deployment of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveLocLabels(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, String, Boolean) | Retrieves the localized labels for the specified attribute. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveMembersBulkOperation(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Int32, Int32, QueryBase) | Retrieves the members of a bulk operation. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveMembersTeam(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, ColumnSet) | Deprecated. Retrieves the members of a team. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveMissingComponents<TResult>(OrganizationServiceContext, Byte[]) | Retrieves a list of missing components for the target organization. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveMissingDependencies(OrganizationServiceContext, String) | Verifies whether any solution components are not included in the solution but possibly should be for a complete solution to be exported. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveMultiple(OrganizationServiceContext, QueryBase) | Retrieves a collection of records. The query can be specified using a query expression or a FetchXML query. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveMultiple(OrganizationServiceContext, RetrieveMultipleRequest) | Retrieves a collection of records. The query can be specified using a query expression or a FetchXML query. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveOrganizationResources<TResult>(OrganizationServiceContext) | Retrieves the resources used by an organization. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveParentGroupsResourceGroup(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, QueryBase) | Retrieves a collection of the parent resource groups of the specified resource group (scheduling group). (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveParsedDataImportFile(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, PagingInfo) | Retrieves the data from the parse table. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrievePrincipalAccess<TResult>(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, EntityReference) | Retrieves the access rights the specified security principal (user or team) has to a record. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrievePrincipalAttributePrivileges(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference) | Retrieves all the secured attribute privileges a user or team has through direct or indirect (through team membership) associations with the FieldSecurityProfile entity. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrievePrivilegeSet(OrganizationServiceContext) | Retrieves the set of privileges defined in the system. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveProvisionedLanguagePackVersion(OrganizationServiceContext, Int32) | Retrieves the version of the language packs installed on the server. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveProvisionedLanguages(OrganizationServiceContext) | Retrieves the list of language packs installed on the server that are enabled. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveRecordChangeHistory<TResult>(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, PagingInfo) | Retrieves all changes to a specific entity. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveRequiredComponents(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Int32) | Retrieves all components that this component requires. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveRolePrivilegesRole<TResult>(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Retrieves the privileges that are assigned to the specified role. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess<TResult>(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference) | Retrieves all the security principals (users or teams) that have access to a record, together with their access rights to the record. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveSubGroupsResourceGroup(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, QueryBase) | Retrieves a collection of the child resource groups of the specified resource group (scheduling group). (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveSubsidiaryTeamsBusinessUnit(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, ColumnSet) | Deprecated. Retrieves all the team information for child business units of the specified business unit. Use RetrieveMultiple. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveSubsidiaryUsersBusinessUnit(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, ColumnSet) | Deprecated. Retrieves all system users for the child business units of the specified business unit. Use RetrieveMultiple. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveTeamPrivileges<TResult>(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Retrieves the privileges for a team. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveTeamsSystemUser(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, ColumnSet) | Deprecated. Retrieves a collection of teams of which the specified system user is a member. Use RetrieveMultiple. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveUnpublished(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, ColumnSet) | Retrieves the current saved definition of a Web resource, organization-owned chart, or organization-owned dashboard, whether it has been published or not. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveUnpublishedMultiple(OrganizationServiceContext, QueryBase) | Retrieves the current saved definitions of Web resources, organization-owned charts, or organization-owned dashboards, whether they have been published or not. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveUserPrivileges<TResult>(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Retrieves all the privileges a system user (user) has through his or her roles in the specified business unit. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveUserSettingsSystemUser(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, ColumnSet) | Deprecated. Retrieves the system user settings for the specified system user. Use RetrieveMultiple. (Developer Extensions) |
RetrieveVersion(OrganizationServiceContext) | Retrieves the version number of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server. (Developer Extensions) |
ReviseQuote(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, ColumnSet) | Sets the state of a quote to Draft. (Developer Extensions) |
RevokeAccess(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, EntityReference) | Removes all access to a record for the specified security principal (user or team). (Developer Extensions) |
Rollup(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, QueryBase, Object) | Retrieves all the records related to the specified record (account or contact). This applies to all activity entities, annotation (note), contract, incident (case), invoice, opportunity, quote and sales order (order) entities. (Developer Extensions) |
Search<TResult>(OrganizationServiceContext, Object) | Searches for available time slots that fulfill the specified appointment request. (Developer Extensions) |
SearchByBodyKbArticle(OrganizationServiceContext, String, Guid, Boolean, QueryBase) | Finds all the document indexes that contain the specified text in the body. (Developer Extensions) |
SearchByKeywordsKbArticle(OrganizationServiceContext, String, Guid, Boolean, QueryBase) | Finds all the document indexes that contain the specified keywords. (Developer Extensions) |
SearchByTitleKbArticle(OrganizationServiceContext, String, Guid, Boolean, QueryBase) | Finds all the document indexes that contain the specified text in the title. (Developer Extensions) |
SendBulkMail(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, Guid, String, Guid, QueryBase) | Sends bulk email messages. (Developer Extensions) |
SendEmail(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Boolean, String) | Sends an email message. (Developer Extensions) |
SendEmailFromTemplate(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, String, Guid, Entity) | Sends an email message using a template. (Developer Extensions) |
SendFax(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Boolean) | Sends a fax. (Developer Extensions) |
SendTemplate(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, EntityReference, String, Guid[], String, Guid) | Sends a bulk email message that is created from a template. (Developer Extensions) |
SetBusinessEquipment(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid) | Sets the business that owns the equipment. (Developer Extensions) |
SetBusinessSystemUser(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid, EntityReference) | Sets the business unit for the specified system user. (Developer Extensions) |
SetLocLabels(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, String, LocalizedLabel[]) | Sets the localized labels for the specified attribute. (Developer Extensions) |
SetParentBusinessUnit(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid) | Sets the parent (manager) for the specified business unit. (Developer Extensions) |
SetParentSystemUser(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid, Boolean) | Sets the parent (manager) for the specified system user. (Developer Extensions) |
SetParentTeam(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Guid) | Sets the parent (manager) for the specified team. (Developer Extensions) |
SetRelated(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference[]) | Deprecated. Creates a link between an opportunity and an account, contact, or competitor. Use Associate. (Developer Extensions) |
SetReportRelated(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Int32[], Int32[], Int32[]) | Specifies in which areas of Microsoft Dynamics CRM the report can be run and viewed. (Developer Extensions) |
SetState(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, OptionSetValue, OptionSetValue) | Sets the state of a record. (Developer Extensions) |
SetState(OrganizationServiceContext, Int32, Int32, Entity) | Sets the state of a record. (Developer Extensions) |
SetState(OrganizationServiceContext, Int32, Int32, EntityReference) | Sets the state of a record. (Developer Extensions) |
StatusUpdateBulkOperation(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Int32, Int32) | For internal use only. (Developer Extensions) |
TransformImport(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Submits an asynchronous job to transform the parsed data. (Developer Extensions) |
TriggerServiceEndpointCheck(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference) | Validates the configuration of a Windows Azure platform AppFabric solution’s service endpoint. (Developer Extensions) |
UninstallSampleData(OrganizationServiceContext) | Uninstalls sample data for an organization. (Developer Extensions) |
UnlockInvoicePricing(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Unlocks the price per unit for the products in the specified invoice. (Developer Extensions) |
UnlockSalesOrderPricing(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Unlocks the price per unit for the products in the specified sales order (order). (Developer Extensions) |
UnpublishDuplicateRule(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid) | Unpublishes a duplicate rule. (Developer Extensions) |
UpdateUserSettingsSystemUser(OrganizationServiceContext, Guid, Entity) | Deprecated. Updates the user settings for a system user. Use Update. (Developer Extensions) |
UtcTimeFromLocalTime(OrganizationServiceContext, Int32, DateTime) | Retrieves the UTC time for the specified local time. (Developer Extensions) |
Validate<TResult>(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityCollection) | Validates that all the constraints of an appointment or service appointment are met. (Developer Extensions) |
ValidateRecurrenceRule(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity) | Validates a recurrence rule for a recurring appointment. (Developer Extensions) |
ValidateSavedQuery(OrganizationServiceContext, String, Int32) | Validates a saved query. (Developer Extensions) |
VerifyProcessStateData(OrganizationServiceContext, EntityReference, String) | For internal use only. (Developer Extensions) |
WhoAmI<TResponse>(OrganizationServiceContext) | Retrieves the user information for the logged on user. (Developer Extensions) |
WinOpportunity(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity, Int32) | Changes the state of an opportunity to Won. (Developer Extensions) |
WinOpportunity(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity, OptionSetValue) | Changes the state of an opportunity to Won. (Developer Extensions) |
WinQuote(OrganizationServiceContext, Entity, OptionSetValue) | Changes the state of a quote to Won. (Developer Extensions) |
Extensions for the core OrganizationServiceContext class.
Thread Safety
Any public static ( Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.
See Also
Microsoft.Xrm.Client.Messages Namespace
Developer extensions for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013
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