サンプル: フィールド共有レコードの取得
公開日: 2016年11月
対象: Dynamics CRM 2015
このサンプル コードは、Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 および Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 更新プログラム 向けです。 Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK パッケージをダウンロードします。 このサンプル コードは、ダウンロード パッケージの次の場所にあります。
この SDK で提供するサンプル コードを実行するために必要な要件については、「サンプルとヘルパー コードの使用」を参照してください。
このサンプルはエンティティの PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess (フィールド共有) レコードを取得する方法を説明します。
// Connect to the Organization service.
// The using statement assures that the service proxy will be properly disposed.
using (_serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(serverConfig.OrganizationUri, serverConfig.HomeRealmUri,serverConfig.Credentials, serverConfig.DeviceCredentials))
// This statement is required to enable early bound type support.
#region Check if this user has prvReadPOAA
// Get the GUID of the current user.
WhoAmIRequest whoAmI = new WhoAmIRequest();
Guid userLoggedId =
Console.WriteLine("User logged: " + userLoggedId);
// Check if this user has prvReadPOAA.
RetrieveUserPrivilegesRequest userPrivilegesRequest =
new RetrieveUserPrivilegesRequest();
userPrivilegesRequest.UserId = userLoggedId;
RetrieveUserPrivilegesResponse userPrivilegesResponse =
// Fixed the GUID for prvReadPOAA.
Guid prvReadPOAA = new Guid("{68564CD5-2B2E-11DF-80A6-00137299E1C2}");
if (userPrivilegesResponse.RolePrivileges.Any(r => r.PrivilegeId.Equals(prvReadPOAA)))
Console.WriteLine("This user DOES have prvReadPOAA");
Console.WriteLine("This user DOESN'T have prvReadPOAA");
#endregion Check if this user has prvReadPOAA
#region Create an account record
// Create an account record
Account accountRecord = new Account();
accountRecord.Name = "Ane";
accountRecord["secret_phone"] = "123456";
_accountRecordId = _serviceProxy.Create(accountRecord);
Console.WriteLine("Account record created.");
#endregion Create an account record
#region Create POAA entity for field #1
// Create POAA entity for field #1
PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess poaa = new PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess
AttributeId = _secretHomeId,
ObjectId = new EntityReference
(Account.EntityLogicalName, _accountRecordId),
PrincipalId = new EntityReference
(SystemUser.EntityLogicalName, userLoggedId),
ReadAccess = true,
UpdateAccess = true
Console.WriteLine("POAA record for custom field Secret_Home created.");
#endregion Create POAA entity for field #1
#region Create POAA entity for field #2
// Create POAA entity for field #2
poaa = new PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess
AttributeId = _secretPhoneId,
ObjectId = new EntityReference
(Account.EntityLogicalName, _accountRecordId),
PrincipalId = new EntityReference
(SystemUser.EntityLogicalName, userLoggedId),
ReadAccess = true,
UpdateAccess = true
Console.WriteLine("POAA record for custom field Secret_Phone created.");
#endregion Create POAA entity for field #2
#region Retrieve User Shared Attribute Permissions
// Create the query for retrieve User Shared Attribute permissions.
QueryExpression queryPOAA =
new QueryExpression("principalobjectattributeaccess");
queryPOAA.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet
(new string[] { "attributeid", "readaccess", "updateaccess", "principalid" });
queryPOAA.Criteria.FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And;
(new ConditionExpression("objectid", ConditionOperator.Equal, _accountRecordId));
(new ConditionExpression("principalid", ConditionOperator.EqualUserId));
Console.WriteLine("POAA for user: " + userLoggedId.ToString());
// Execute the query.
EntityCollection responsePOAA = _serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(queryPOAA);
foreach (var entity in responsePOAA.Entities)
Console.WriteLine(" principalid: " + ((EntityReference)entity["principalid"]).Id);
Console.WriteLine(" attributeid: " + entity["attributeid"].ToString());
Console.WriteLine(" readaccess: " + entity["readaccess"].ToString());
Console.WriteLine(" updateaccess: " + entity["updateaccess"].ToString());
catch (Exception exc)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + exc.Message);
#endregion Retrieve User Shared Attribute Permissions
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 で、フィールド セキュリティを使用してフィールド値へのアクセスを制御する方法
フィールド セキュリティ エンティティ
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