Standard Service Line Table

Contains service lines for each standard service code.

You can use the standard service lines over and over again. The program automatically inserts the lines in service documents when you run the Get Std. Service Codes function to create a service document with similar contents.

Normally, you first set up standard service codes and then assign standard service lines to them. Each standard service code can have any number of standard service lines linked to it. You can set up standard service lines for G/L accounts, items, resources, and costs.

List of Fields in the Table

To see the list of fields in this table, change to the Classic view. Choose the Choose View button in the upper-right corner, and then choose Classic.

Field Location
Shortcut Dimension 1 Code Field, Standard Service Line Table Service Management
Standard Service Code Field, Standard Service Line Table Service Management
Variant Code Field, Standard Service Line Table Service Management
Amount Excl. VAT Field, Standard Service Line Table Service Management
Unit of Measure Code Field, Standard Service Line Table Service Management
Shortcut Dimension 2 Code Field, Standard Service Line Table Service Management
Type Field, Standard Service Line Table Service Management
Line No. Field, Standard Service Line Table Service Management
Description Field, Standard Service Line Table Service Management
Quantity Field, Standard Service Line Table Service Management
Dimension Set ID Field, Standard Service Line Table Service Management
No. Field, Standard Service Line Table Service Management

See Also


Standard Service Codes

Other Resources

How to: Set Up Standard Service Codes
How to: Insert Service Lines Using Standard Service Codes