Gen. Journal Line Table

Contains general journal lines that appear when you open a general journal in the General Ledger, Sales, Receivables, Purchases, Payables, and Fixed Assets application areas. To create lines in a journal, click the first empty line and fill in the fields.

In the program, there are three levels under the journal menu items: journal templates, journal batches and journal lines. This lets you use different journals that are suited to different tasks. You can have several journals of the same type; for example, every employee can have his or her own journal.

When you choose a journal, the program displays the most recently used journal batch name. If you want to use another journal batch name, choose the Batch Name field. The General Jnl. Batches window appears. Here you can choose from among the existing batch names or create new ones.

There are several standard general journal templates set up in menu items in the General Ledger, Sales & Receivables, Purchases & Payables, Fixed Assets and Jobs application areas. They cover the most common routines used in the program, and in all of these journal templates, you can post entries to G/L, customer, vendor and fixed asset accounts.

The General Ledger application area contains the General Journals menu item.

In the Sales & Receivables application area there are two journals: Sales Journals and Cash Receipt Journals. These are specially designed for creating sales invoices and registering payments from customers. (If you have access to sales documents such as invoices, you will normally use those facilities instead of sales journals.)

The Purchases & Payables application area contains two journals: Purchase Journals and Payment Journals. These contain the fields necessary for creating purchase invoices and registering payments to vendors. (If you have access to purchase documents such as invoices, you will normally use those facilities instead of purchase journals.)

The Fixed Assets application area contains several types of journals. The FA G/L Journal is a general journal, which is integrated to the general ledger. It is designed for posting fixed asset transactions such as acquisition and depreciation.

The Jobs application area contains two types of journals: Job Journal and Job G/L Journal. The Job G/L Journal is a general journal, which is integrated with the general ledger. It is designed for posting job transactions such as usage and expenses.

Each of these application areas also has a recurring general journal. This is a special window in which you can define a recurring frequency and other specifications and allocate amounts by using the Allocation table. When you use a recurring journal, you need to type entries in only once if you will post the same information afterward. Whenever you want to post the same information again, you only need to choose Post.

List of Fields in the Table

To see the list of fields in this table, change to the Classic view. Choose the Choose View button in the upper-right corner, and then choose Classic.

Field Location
Sale Return Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Surcharge Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Bal. TDS/TCS Including SHE Cess Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Excise Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Work Tax Nature Of Deduction Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
TCS From Orders Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Input Credit/Output Tax Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Sales Tax
Tax Base Amount (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Sales Tax
Deferred Claim FA Excise Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Surcharge Base Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
BED Percentage Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Pay Work Tax Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Challan No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Amount Including Excise Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Service Tax Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
TDS/TCS Amt Incl Surcharge Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
VAT Entry Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Per Contract Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Tax Percentage Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Sales Tax
VAT Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Trading Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Sales Tax
Excise As Service tax Credit Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
TCS Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
T.A.N. No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Work Tax Group Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Balance eCESS on TDS/TCS Amt Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Pay Sales Tax Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Sales Tax
Refund VAT Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Challan Date Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
PLA Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Goes to Excise Entry Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Tax Amount (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Sales Tax
Input Service Distribution Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Concessional Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Party Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Form Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Sales Tax
Form No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Sales Tax
Service Tax Entry Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Total TDS/TCS Incl. SHE CESS Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Service Tax Rounding Precision Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Adjustment Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Source Curr. Excise Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Tax Amount Loaded on Inventory Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Sales Tax
ADC VAT Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Service Tax Base Amount (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Party Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Temp TDS/TCS Base Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Tax Base Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Sales Tax
ST As Pure Agent Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Source Curr. Tax Base Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Sales Tax
Service Tax Group Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Assessee Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Cenvat Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Service Type (Rev. Chrg.) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Source Curr. Tax Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Sales Tax
Deferred Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Transaction No. Serv. Tax Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
SHE Cess Percentage On TDS/TCS Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
TDS Nature of Deduction Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
TDS/TCS Percentage Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
RG/Service Tax Set Off Date Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Service Tax Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
TDS Category Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Include Serv. Tax in TDS Base Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Declaration Form (GTA) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Excise Posting Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
TDS From Orders Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Consignment Note No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Work Tax Base Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Pay VAT Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Excise Charge Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Service Tax Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Service Tax SHE Cess Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Balance Surcharge Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
VAT Amount (ACY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
TDS/TCS Base Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
TDS Certificate Receivable Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Pay TCS Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
WHT Entry No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Serv. Tax on Advance Payment Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
VAT Claim Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
BED Calculation Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Interest Amount (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Pay TDS Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
T.C.A.N. No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
TDS Group Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
TDS Entry Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Work Tax Paid Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Nature Of Service Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Excise Bus. Posting Group Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
WHT Absorb Base Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
From Excise Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Service Tax Rounding Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Adjmt. Entry No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Service Tax Registration No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
POT Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
CVD Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Surcharge Percentage Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Service Tax eCess Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Service Tax
Customer/Vendor Bank Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
TCS Nature of Collection Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Work Tax Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Tax Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Pay Excise Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
TCS Entry Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Foreign Exchange Indicator Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
Foreign Exchange Reference Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
State Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
IRS 1099 Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
Bal. SHE Cess On TDS/TCS Amt Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Vendor Exchange Rate (ACY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
TDS Line Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
TDS/TCS Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Excise Base Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
VAT Difference (ACY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Balance TDS/TCS Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Item No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Balance Work Tax Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
Work Tax Percentage Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Income Tax
VAT Base (ACY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Entry Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
SHE Cess On TDS/TCS Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
GST/HST Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
EFT Ledger Entry No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Excise refund Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Amount (ACY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Transaction Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
BAS Adjustment Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Excise Prod. Posting Group Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Secondary OFAC Scr.Indicator Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
Transaction Type Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
Deferment Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
WHT Payment Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Payment Related Information 1 Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
EFT Journal No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Is WHT Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Gateway Operator OFAC Scr.Inc Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
WHT Business Posting Group Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
eCESS Percentage Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Receiv. DFI ID Qualifier Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
Certificate Printed Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Check Exported Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
Interest Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Tax Jurisdiction Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
Inv. Discount Amt. (ACY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
IRS 1099 Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
Payment Related Information 2 Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
Invoice Message 2 Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Finland Local Functionality
Adjustment Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Post Dated Check Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Message Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Finland Local Functionality
Bank Payment Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
Check No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Invoice Message Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Finland Local Functionality
Company Entry Description Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
Export File Name Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
WHT Product Posting Group Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Foreign Exchange Ref.Indicator Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
Tax Exemption No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
Line Discount Amt. (ACY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
STE Transaction ID Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
Check Transmitted Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
BAS Version Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Tax Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
Origin. DFI ID Qualifier Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United States Local Functionality
Financialy Voided Cheque Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Actual Vendor No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Adjustment Applies-to Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
eCESS on TDS/TCS Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Capital Item Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
EFT Payment Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
E.C.C. No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
Product Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Excise
BACS Account No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Bank Branch No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Recurring Calendar Source Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Remittance Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Source Curr. Base Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Recipient Ref. Abroad Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Payment Due Date Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
BAS Doc. No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
BACS Exported Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
EFT Bank Account No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Remittance Handling Ref. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Warning text Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
BACS Entry No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Warning Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
VAT Base Amount Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Amount Including VAT (ACY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
KID Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Futures Contract No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
WHT Report Line No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Payment Type Code Abroad Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Periodic Starting Date Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Sweden Local Functionality
Bal. VAT Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Periodic Template Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Sweden Local Functionality
Agreed Exch. Rate Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Remittance Agreement Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Waiting Journal Reference Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Source Posting Date Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Sweden Local Functionality
Agreed With Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Recipient Ref. 1 Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Source Curr. Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Auto. Acc. Group Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Sweden Local Functionality
Remittance Warning Text Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Entry No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Recipient Ref. 2 Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Skip WHT Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Bank Account No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Recipient Ref. 3 Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Futures Contract Exch. Rate Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
VAT Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Execution Ref. 2 Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Payment Type Code Domestic Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Check Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Non ITC Claimable Usage % Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
VATable Purchase Tax Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Urgent Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
S.T From Order Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
BOLS Text Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
PLA Set Off Date Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Structured Payment Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Our Account No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Remittance Warning Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Un Application Entry Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Specification (Norges Bank) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Remittance Account Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Norway Local Functionality
TDS/TCS Base Amount Adjusted Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
No. of Days for Shift Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Industry Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Offline Application Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
W.T Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Location Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Shift Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Cheque No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Insert S.T Recoverable Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Reverse Work Tax Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Standard Deduction Amount(ACY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Posting Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
TDS/TCS Base Amount Applied Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Applied TDS Base Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Stale Cheque Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Work Tax % Applied Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Source Curr. ADC VAT Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Tot. Serv Tax Amount (Intm) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Work Tax Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
CWIP Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Work Tax Base Amount Applied Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Work Tax Base Amount Adjusted Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
CWIP G/L Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Sales Return Order Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Amount Loaded on Item Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
VAT Adjustment Entry Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Standard Deduction Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
LC No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Cheque Date Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Trading Field, Gen. Journal Line Table India Local Functionality
Derogatory Line Field, Gen. Journal Line Table France Local Functionality
Source Curr. VAT Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Document Date Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Quantity Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
AutoDoc. No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Spain Local Functionality
Source No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Payment Terms Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Payment Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Spain Local Functionality
Pmt. Discount Given/Rec. (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Spain Local Functionality
Account No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Entry No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table France Local Functionality
Prepayment Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Applies-to Bill No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Spain Local Functionality
Source Curr. VAT Base Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bank Account Name Field, Gen. Journal Line Table France Local Functionality
Realize VAT Field, Gen. Journal Line Table France Local Functionality
Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
VAT Calculation Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Recipient Bank Account Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bill No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Spain Local Functionality
Bal. VAT Base Amount (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Exported to Payment File Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Purchases and Payables
Duplicate in Depreciation Book Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Insurance No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
VAT Base Discount % Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Entry Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table France Local Functionality
Source Currency Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bank Payment Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Spain Local Functionality
Journal Template Name Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Delayed Unrealized VAT Field, Gen. Journal Line Table France Local Functionality
Pmt. Address Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Spain Local Functionality
Payer Information Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Recurring Frequency Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Created from No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table France Local Functionality
Gen. Bus. Posting Group Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Depreciation Book Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Payment Discount % Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Dimension Set ID Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Planning Line No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Applied Automatically Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Transfer Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Spain Local Functionality
Has Payment Export Error Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Purchases and Payables
Shortcut Dimension 1 Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Transaction No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Spain Local Functionality
Job Unit Price Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
VAT Difference Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Statistical Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Spain Local Functionality
FA Reclassification Entry Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Total Price Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Total Cost Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Account Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Allow Zero-Amount Posting Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Quantity Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Export File Name Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Spain Local Functionality
Generate AutoInvoices Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Spain Local Functionality
Pmt. Discount Date Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Line Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Financial Void Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Line Discount Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bal. Gen. Posting Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bill-to/Pay-to No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Posting Exch. Entry No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Purchases and Payables
VAT Amount (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
FA Error Entry No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Sell-to/Buy-from No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
IC Partner Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Currency Factor Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bal. Gen. Bus. Posting Group Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Campaign No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Credit Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
IC Partner G/L Acc. No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Comment Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Purchases and Payables
VAT Base Amount (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Gen. Posting Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bank Payment Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Due Date Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Prod. Order No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
FA Posting Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bal. Use Tax Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Posting No. Series Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Document Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bal. Tax Group Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Line Disc. Amount (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Source Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Message to Recipient Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Purchases and Payables
Sales/Purch. (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Correction Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Inv. Discount (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bal. Gen. Prod. Posting Group Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Applies-to Doc. Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Posting Exch. Line No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Purchases and Payables
Country/Region Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Maintenance Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
No. of Depreciation Days Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Salespers./Purch. Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Allocated Amt. (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Document No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Journal Batch Name Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
On Hold Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Currency Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Use Duplication List Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bal. VAT Amount (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Depr. Acquisition Cost Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
IC Direction Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bal. VAT % Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Transaction Information Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Incoming Document Entry No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Line Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Remaining Qty. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Expiration Date Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Use Tax Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bal. VAT Difference Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Total Cost (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Line No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Direct Debit Mandate ID Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Purchases and Payables
VAT % Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bal. VAT Calculation Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Creditor No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Check Printed Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Reason Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Additional-Currency Posting Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
System-Created Entry Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bal. Account Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
VAT Bus. Posting Group Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Ship-to/Order Address Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Unit Of Measure Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Source Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bal. VAT Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Budgeted FA No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Currency Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Allow Application Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Unit Cost (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Posting Group Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Currency Factor Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Payment Method Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Applies-to ID Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
IC Partner Transaction No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Unit Cost Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bal. VAT Base Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
EU 3-Party Trade Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
VAT Base Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Balance (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Line Discount % Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Salvage Value Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Credit Card No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
FA Add.-Currency Factor Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Tax Liable Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bal. VAT Prod. Posting Group Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Index Entry Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bal. Tax Area Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bal. Account No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Gen. Prod. Posting Group Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Debit Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Profit (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Source Line No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Amount (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Source Currency Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
VAT Registration No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
VAT Prod. Posting Group Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Business Unit Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Payment Reference Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bal. Tax Liable Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
FA Posting Date Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Description Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Line Amount (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Reversing Entry Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Unit Price (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Applies-to Doc. No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
VAT Posting Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Tax Group Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Bal. VAT Bus. Posting Group Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Depr. until FA Posting Date Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
VAT Amount Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Task No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
External Document No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Posting Date Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Tax Area Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Shortcut Dimension 2 Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Applies-to Ext. Doc. No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Job Total Price (LCY) Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Recurring Method Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Payment Fee Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Last Name Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
ESR Information Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Checksum Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Refers to Period Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Document Occurrence to Close Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Clearing Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Switzerland Local Functionality
DTA Coding Line Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Contract No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Transport Method Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Allow Issue Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Applies-to Occurrence No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Document No. to Close Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Reference No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Debit Bank Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Operation Occurred Date Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Place of Birth Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Transaction Mode Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Bal. Deductible % Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Individual Person Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Activity Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Cumulative Bank Receipts Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Fiscal Code Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Include in VAT Transac. Rep. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Deductible % Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Closing Balance Sheet Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Document Type to Close Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Tax Representative No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Reverse Sales VAT No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
VAT Identifier Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Date of Birth Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Tax Representative Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Service Tariff No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Payment % Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Resident Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Bank Receipt Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Related Entry No. Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
First Name Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality
Reverse Sales VAT No. Series Field, Gen. Journal Line Table Italy Local Functionality

See Also


General Journal