Contact Web Source Table

Contains the Web sources that you have assigned to each contact.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV uses the Web source and the term in the Search Word field that have been assigned to a contact to search for information about the contact.

List of Fields in the Table

The following table lists the fields in this table.

Field Location
Web Source Code Field, Contact Web Source Table Relationship Management
Web Source Description Field, Contact Web Source Table Relationship Management
Search Word Field, Contact Web Source Table Relationship Management
Contact No. Field, Contact Web Source Table Relationship Management
Contact Name Field, Contact Web Source Table Relationship Management
Web Source Code Field, Contact Web Source Table Relationship Management
Web Source Description Field, Contact Web Source Table Relationship Management
Search Word Field, Contact Web Source Table Relationship Management
Contact No. Field, Contact Web Source Table Relationship Management
Contact Name Field, Contact Web Source Table Relationship Management

See Also


Contact Web Sources
Search Word

Other Resources

How to: Search for Contact Information on the Internet